
September 19, 2009

A Nuwaubian Memoir

Ok after months and months of hardwork and no sleep, I finally completed and sent my first draft to my publisher. And hopefully, not soon enough my first book will be available to the public for sale.

Ques: What is my book about?

Ans: My book is about Nuwaubians. and the title is "A Nuwaubian Memoir" It contains over 300 exclusive photos. Photos I've taken over the years. I didn't realize 'till I embarked on this project, the amount of photos I've taken. Thanks to my good friend "Canon Rebel EOS Digital Camera", and my nack for pushing the "take a picture" button, that I have so many to share to all Nuwaubians and curious minds out there. Maybe even Sheriff Howard Richard Sills might want to buy a copy for himself. For making it in the history as the great nemesis of our beloved Supreme Grand Master Teacher, Dr. Malachi Z. York, who I've dedicated this book to. I've worked on several books with Doc before. I've seen him literally pushed books out the door on a daily basis. Not untill now that I realized how hard it is.
Thanks to my good friend "Lady T" who gave me plenty of advice and shared her own research and resources for making it happened.
Thanks to my "bf" for not nagging me too much while working on this books and actually supporting me while in the process (most of the time). You know who you are.

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