
September 26, 2010

3 Men accusing Bishop Eddie Long of Sex Abuse

ATLANTA -- Prominent Atlanta attorney B.J. Bernstein released cell phone pictures Wednesday of megachurch pastor Eddie Long – the same day that a third lawsuit was filed accusing the Atlanta-area bishop of sexual abuse.

Three men have come forward accusing Long of coercing them into a sexual relationship.

Bernstein, who represents the three plaintiffs, said the pictures were sent to young men who attended Longfellows Youth Academy. She did not specify whether the plaintiffs also received the pictures.

In the latest lawsuit, the plaintiff, Jamal Parris, detailed how Long allegedly gave him his personal cell phone number two weeks after the two first met. Parris also alleged that Long encouraged him to call him "daddy." According to the suit, Parris’ father had not been a positive figure in his life.

Parris said he joined New Birth in 2001. He said he later became Long’s personal assistant, and that Long would ask him to remain in his private office after church, where Long engaged in sexual misconduct with Parris, according to the suit. Parris said he eventually left the church and later found out from other young male church members that they too had sexual contact with the bishop, according to the suit.
Since the first two lawsuits went public Tuesday, Bernstein said her office has taken several calls and believes that there are other victims. Bernstein said she opened her investigation after getting a call from one of the men.

The first two plaintiffs, Maurice Robinson and Anthony Flagg, claimed that Long used his position as a spiritual counselor and leader to take the young men on trips out of state and performed sexual acts with them. In the lawsuits, the men accuse Long of sexually abusing them, as well as several other young male church members and employees.

3rd Lawsuit Filed Against Bishop Long


The lawsuits also name New Birth Missionary Baptist Church at 6400 Woodrow Road in Lithonia as a defendant.

At a news conference Tuesday, Bernstein told reporters that the alleged abuse occurred when the plaintiffs were 17 and 18 years old. Robinson and Flagg are now 20 and 21 years old.

Bernstein described Long's relationship with the boys as odd.

"It was essentially a marriage ceremony where there were candles, (an) exchange of jewelry and biblical quotes given," said Bernstein.

During the conference, Bernstein also revealed that one of the plaintiffs was arrested in connection with a June 13 burglary at New Birth. Channel 2 first reported details of the break-in, in which DeKalb police said two men wearing dark hooded tops and white gloves broke into Long's office and made off with high-end electronics, including Long’s iPad, and jewelry.

Bernstein said she expects Long’s attorneys to bring up that arrest when addressing the abuse allegations.

“Maurice (Robinson) immediately told what he did when he was confronted about it. He returned the black diamonds, the gold, the things that he had in the bishop’s office,” Bernstein said.

“As bad as it is, if it weren’t for that act, I don’t know if we would have known about this because this young man exploded and realized that when he talked to his friends, he wasn’t the only one,” said Bernstein. “Bishop Long had other spiritual sons who had other relationships with him. It made him angry and confused and combusted in lashing out at the bishop in the only way possible.”

According to the lawsuit, Flagg said Long shared a bedroom on overnight trips and engaged in intimate sexual contact with him. He said Long was also involved in advising and counseling him in areas of his personal life, the lawsuit states.

A spokesman for Long told Channel 2 Action News that Long denies the allegations and later announced that a news conference would take place Thursday to address the matter.

A statement released by Craig Gillen, attorney for Long, said, “Bishop Eddie Long adamantly denies the allegations. It is unfortunate that the two young men have chosen to take this course of action. We are reviewing the complaints and will respond accordingly.”

Channel 2 Action News reporters Tom Jones and Eric Philips visited Long’s church and neighborhood, where many people are expressing a show of support for Long.

One church member told Jones, "I just don't believe it. I know my Bishop."

Philips went to Long's house, but was told he was not there. He spoke with one of Long’s neighbors, who said she “hadn’t seen him [Long] in a while.”
Eddie Long ain't got no business sending this picture to no young men.

Latest News on Bishop Eddie Long Sexual Scandal

According to CNN the 4th person filed a lawsuit for sexual abuse against Bishop Eddie Long.  He's name is Spencer Mcgrant, a 22 year old male from North Carolina.  Hes accusing the Atlanta mega church pastor Eddie Long for sexual abuse, that started on the phone at first.  (Long distance relationship)  The Fourth Person!  You may wonder why there's no criminal investgation as of yet.  Well that's because, here, in Geogia the law is you can have sex with minor as long as they are above the age of 16 years old.  Now these allegations are saying it started when some of these young men were only 14 years old.  CNN also stated that Bishop Eddie Long will address his congregation today, Sunday, September 26, 2010.  I guess will find out more. 

Even more interesting is CNN also stated in the video below that Bishop Eddie Long might have some accomplisher with him.  meaning that he got help from somebody or maybe more individuals involve in this sexual abuse.  Sounds familiar?  This sounds just like Dr. Malachi Z. York's case all the way.  He's already been character assassinated by the media.  Whether he did it or not. He's already been labeled gay and pedofile.  What else can go wrong with a Christin Pastor?

Just like Dr. Malachi Z. York said "They are coming after YOU next!"

September 25, 2010

Rash of Crooked Georgia Judges stepping down after misconduct

Below is an article from AJC about Georgia's crooked judges.  See what Nuwaubians have been saying all along, another confirmation.  Judge C. Ashley Royal, you're NEXT!

By Bill Torpy and Bill Rankin
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

7:35 a.m. Sunday, August 22, 2010
One sent a message over Facebook to a criminal defendant, saying he’d give her behind-the-scenes advice on her case. Another was caught having sex in a parked car with the public defender assigned to his courtroom. Another inappropriately touched a prosecutor and investigator after they sat in his lap posing for a photo.

These were not defendants. All three were chief judges in their circuits with decades on the bench.

Since 2008, at least 16 judges across the state have resigned under duress, most recently two veteran chief judges from Cobb and Fulton counties. Some stepped down under a cloud of suspicion. Others left amid scandal or even outright criminality.

Allegations include sexual improprieties, harassment, voter fraud, giving state computers to family members and gross intemperance on the bench.

Why is there so much disorder in the courts?

“This is the worst rash of judicial misconduct I’ve ever seen,” said former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Norman Fletcher. “There have been far too many, and it doesn’t reflect well on the judiciary. You can’t explain some of this conduct.”

Judges haven’t just started misbehaving, court watchers say. The news of one sensational case after another has created a snowball effect, prompting more complaints being filed with the Judicial Qualifications Commission, the state agency that investigates judges. Those complaints are also being investigated more efficiently, leading to quicker resolutions.

This month, Cobb County Superior Court Chief Judge Kenneth Nix abruptly announced he would leave Oct. 6 and admitted he had “flicked” the two women’s bottoms while they sat in his lap for a photo. The women countered in a public statement that it was no playful touch, it was a “sex crime.”

In Fulton, State Court Chief Judge A.L. Thompson, on the bench 30 years, notified the governor by letter Aug. 5 that “it is time to move on.” Thompson insists he was not being investigated for malfeasance. But judges have long complained about Thompson’s absences, and electronic parking garage records provided to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution showed he came to the courthouse just 56 days in a seven-month period.

Last week, Thompson issued a statement saying the JQC had not “interviewed” him nor had the JQC disciplined him. He declined to say whether he had met with a JQC investigator before announcing he would step down on Sept. 6. The judge, in an interview, noted health issues have long bedeviled him.

Superior Court Judge Frank Mills III, chief of the Cherokee County circuit, said judges have noticed the resignations. “I think we’re all bewildered by it; we all talk about it,” he said. “But most of these cases are not similar, so it’s hard to say there’s any trend.”

It’s not unusual for judges to make enemies, given the gravity of their decisions, such as assigning child custody and sentencing people to prison. Because judges are so powerful, few people are willing to file complaints against them.

“Think about the inherent nature of a judge; how many people will be critical of you?” asked Habersham County District Attorney Brian Rickman, who investigated one judge in his circuit and watched as another’s career disintegrated. “Most people, like lawyers and court employees, try to keep you happy. There’s a danger of too many people trying to kiss your butt.”

But increased efforts by the JQC seem to be getting results.

“The recent spate of resignations is a radical difference from what happened five years ago,” said John Mrosek, a Fayetteville lawyer who twice ran unsuccessfully against Judge Johnnie Caldwell. The judge resigned this year following allegations he repeatedly sexually harassed a female attorney.

“How many people witnessed Caldwell and [Chief Superior Court Judge Paschal] English doing what they did and turned a blind eye?” Mrosek asked. “Once there’s a psychology of not following the rules, it pervades everything.”

English resigned abruptly in April amid revelations he was having an affair with then-public defender Kim Cornwell, who had hundreds of cases before the judge.

Both Caldwell and English resigned soon after meeting with JQC investigator Richard Hyde.

A year ago, Hyde, a former Atlanta police detective, was given authority by the JQC board to confront judges with allegations and his investigative findings and negotiate a quick resignation if warranted.

That was the case in the resignations of Caldwell and English, Mrosek said. “[The JQC] came in, pointed a pistol at them and said, ‘Easy way or hard way.’ ”

Hyde, he added, “is traveling around the state collecting scalps.”

Hyde declined comment.

Most judges choose to resign when confronted rather than go through the embarrassing process of having the commission bring formal, and public, charges against them. If they resign, the allegations often remain secret, which has brought criticism of the agency.

Some judges fight the charges and go to trial, with the Georgia Supreme Court issuing a final opinion. In the case of Twiggs County Probate Judge Kenneth Fowler, witnesses at his trial said Fowler swore at defendants, ordered parties to “shut up,” referred to African-Americans as “colored” and required defendants to prove their innocence.

“His ignorance of the law is inexcusable, and his abuse of his judicial office unacceptable,” the state Supreme Court said in June, removing Fowler.

The commission has been increasingly aggressive since 2008, when South Georgia judges Brooks E. Blitch III and Berrien Sutton resigned after the JQC brought corruption charges against them.

“That has heightened the interest in the role of the JQC,” said Robert Ingram, a lawyer and one of the JQC’s seven commissioners. “I think that leads to more cases being filed. People who may have had a complaint may have thought the JQC would [now] take it seriously.”

Some complain the JQC acts too slowly. Joe Hendricks, a district attorney in North Georgia, said that it took almost 10 months for the agency to bring formal counts of misconduct against Superior Court Judge Oliver Harris “Harry” Doss Jr. He was accused of taking state computers for his family, insulting and threatening court staff and repeatedly failing to rule on cases, backlogging the system.

JQC probes are secret, “but a lot of people at the courthouse were aware of the investigation because several people were questioned,” Hendricks said. “This hung over our heads for nine of 10 months. Those months were very difficult. ... There’s kids awaiting a decision on their custody, defendants waiting for a trial. There’s too many lives hanging.”

The judge resigned in December. Hendricks said that, with Doss no longer on the bench, senior judges closed 1,314 cases the first half of 2010, 302 more than the same time last year with Doss on the bench.

Ingram acknowledged the system can be slow, but noted the JQC has an annual budget of about $250,000 and a state judiciary with more than 1,800 members. “I think Georgia’s budget is the smallest of all 50 states when compared to the number of judges,” he said.

Muscogee Superior Court Judge John D. Allen, the JQC’s vice chair, expects the number of judges leaving abruptly will “play out for a period of time.” But the publicity might prompt some wayward judges to clean up their act.

“It’s not a message we’re trying to send. But, yeah, it’s a deterrent.”

Religious Leaders Are Now Under Investigation

Most of the religious ministries now a days have nothing to do with your traditional Christianity.  Speaking from experiences, the reason why I don't go to church is simply because most of these churches, religious leaders, pastors, ministries, bishops, reverends, or whatever you want to call them, all have one thing in common, they want to preach to you that if you come to their church or join their ministry, you will eventually will be lead into prosperity or financially successfulness.  But, thanks to my wonderful grandmother, who always repeated this bible quote to me:

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."   
Matthew 19:23-25
So the only advice I can give to Christians is READ THE BIBLE!
You don't need a pastor, reverend, bishop, or any religious leader to lead you to salvation.  They just want you 10% donation.  So they can live lavishly.  As you will see in the video below.

Bishop Eddie Long is being accused of Child Molestation

Yep, as Dr. Malachi Z. York stated in his interview entitled "MAKU SPEAKS", "You better get on the band wagon, or they are coming after YOU next".  Dr. York was speaking about the religious leader in Georgia.  Well folks here it is finally just as what Dr. York stated in his recorded live interview.  Bishop Long one of America's well know African American Pastor, right here in Georgia is accused of sexual molestation by young men.  They are not only accusing of Bishop Eddie Long for child molestation or sexual abuse, they are accusing him as a pedophile!  YOU GOT NEXT!

September 22, 2010

FREE E-books by Dr. Malachi Z. York

So a friend of mine shared this link to me about free E-books by Dr. Malachi Z. York.  This person have the Man from Planet Rizq and Science of the Pyramids and a few others in their Lulu's web page.  Of course he inserted a few pages claiming that you shouldn't change or remove his credit page.  Anyway here's the link:

Horemeb Ankh page

Updated on Feb 1, 2011

I've been getting a lot of emails regarding the free e-books by Dr. Malachi Z. York.  and apparently Horemeb Ankh, no longer offer the Man from Planet Rizq e-book for FREE, and the Science of the Pyramids scroll.  Which is really sad.  Because that was the only reason why I gave him a free link and exposure on my website.  So before he could charge for the other scroll, I requested for  to post the free e-books on their website.  So if you want the free e-books, click HERE.  And enjoy.  and If I run into other free e-books by Dr. York, I will update this page.  And if you run into any free e-books by Dr. York, please share, as my friend did in this case.  Thank You.

September 20, 2010

Photos of Dr. Malachi Z. York\

Atum-Re carrying a mummy

This is one of my favorite photo of Dr. Malachi Z. York.  I first seen this photo on a newsclipping.  I think this photo was taken on 1997 Osiris Procession. Doc is dressed in the Osirus garb potrayed as the ancient Egyptian Deity Osiris.
Neter A'aferti Atum-Re in front of the Rameses site.

Neter A'aferti Atum-Re of the Ancient Egiptian Order (A.E.O.)
Photo of Doc during the Annual Nuwaubu Ball

Brooklyn NY tornado hits AEOE Bookstore

I'm not sure if its an actual fact but I heard that the bookstore in Brooklyn, New York was damage due to the tornado that wreck havock last week.  Hopefully no one got hurt and everything is all right. If anyone heard or have any information about the family in Brooklyn, let our readers know by making comment to this post.  Thank You, Tawuhaat.

September 19, 2010

More About Nuwaubians.

Dr. Malachi Z. York is led out of federal court in Macon in April 2004 after his sentencing

Front view of the building owned by Dr. Malachi Z. York in Athens, confiscated by the Federal government, located on Broad Steet.

Nuwaubian members move a pyramid out of the closed Egyptian-themed building the sect had owned on West Broad Street in 2005

Dr. Malachi Z. York once owned this mansion off Timothy Road in Athens, Georgia. It was seized and auctioned off by the government in 1999.

Anthony Montgomery, a Nuwaubian member and former Clarke County deputy, is cross-examined during a personnel hearing in 2007. Montgomery was one of four deputies fired in 2006 for promoting their beliefs in violation of jail policy. One of the deputies has returned to work after a successful appeal.  Anthony Montgomery is believe by many Nuwauians as an FBI informant who till day helps to infiltrate the control of the organization.

September 11, 2010

Nuwaubians continues to fight for the Freedom of Dr. Malachi Z. York

I know many people expected that the Nuwaubians were going to disperse like salt in water once the founder of this many organizations end up in maximum prison for 135 years. I know Sheriff Sills probably envision that Nuwaubians were gonna be NO MORE. But what they didn't know is that Dr. Malachi Z. York was training leaders and now followers.  And that's why even after over eight years after Dr. York's incarceration... Nuwaubians in many genre and several others are still fighting for their Master Teacher's FREEDOM, or should I say THE SUPREME GRAND MASTER TEACHER.

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