
December 20, 2010

fake letter accusing King of being an "Uncle Tom"

excerpt from The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad, page 338

On March 29, 1968, COINTELPRO, official George C. Moore recommended to Sullivan that a fake letter accusing King of being an "Uncle Tom" be sent to "friendly media contacts."  The two paragraph letter read:

Martin Luther King, during the sanitation workers' strike ... has urged Negros to boycott downtown white merchants to achieved Negro demands.  On 3-29-68 King led a march for the sanitation workers.  Like Judas leading lambs to slaughter King led the marchers to violence, and when the violence broke out, King disappeared.  The fine Hotel Lorraine in Memphis is owned and patronized exclusively by Negroes but King didn't go there from his hasty exit.  Instead King decided the plush Holiday Inn Motel, white-owned, operated and almost exclusively white patronized, was the place to "cool it."  There will be no boycott of white merchants for King, only for his followers.

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