
August 04, 2012

Our Nation Mourns for the passing of our Great Mother, Umi Faatimah

Let's send our thoughts and prayers to the people who took care of our beloved mother Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York, the mother of our Supreme Grand Master Teacher Dr. Malachi Z. York.

below is a prayer from the Book of Anubis by our Neter Atum-Re

Prayers for the Departed

O my deities! O thou forgiver of weaknesses!  Bestower of gifts!  Dispeller of afflictions!

Verily, I beseech thee to forgive the weaknesses of such as have abandoned the physical garment and ascended to the spiritual world.

O my deities!  Purify them from trespasses, dispel their sorrows, and change their light of chaos into your surreal darkness.  Cause them to enter the garden of happiness, cleanse them with the most pure water, and grant them to behold thy splendors on the loftiest mount.

Give them rest with the devout and the just, in the place of the pasture of rest and of refreshment, of waters in the paradise.  We know Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York is with you.

Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York has shed the frail earthly mansion and departed this life to live hereafter in the realm of the Neteraat.  Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York earthly work is done and Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York has laid down the burden.  From the din and dust of life's struggle, Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York  has gone to the deathless world of peace and rest where the chaotic light fades in to peaceful darkness yet, Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York  sees clearer than ever, where happiness fails not.  Our beloved has not died; only the body, which is yet to live in spirit in a higher and nobler place than our thoughts can measure and minds can conceive.  Let Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York rest in everlasting peace and joy with thee, Neteraat.

Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York goest home this night to thy home of winter, to thy home of autumn, of spring, and of summer; Umi Faatimah aka Mary C. York goest home this night to they perpetual home, to thine eternal bed, to thine eternal slumber.

Sleep thou, Nawum "sleep", and away with thy sorrow.  Sleep thou, Nawum "sleep", and away with thy sorrow.  Sleep thou, Nawum "sleep", and away with thy sorrow; sleep thou, beloved, in the bosom of Pa Kuluwm "the All".
Let's send our thoughts and prayers and positive energy to our beloved Dr. Malachi Z. York also
for we know this must be hard for him deeply.



  1. Umi, as you ascend to higher realms within the bossom of the most high your many comforting words of divine wisdom you shared upon your Bushwick stoop have always had a place in my heart.

    One Love Umi, from Nuba.

  2. Umi, as you ascend to higher realms within the bossom of the most high your many comforting words of divine wisdom that you shared upon your Bushwick stoop will always have a special place in my heart.

    You gave birth to a truely great and mighty nation.

    One Love Umi.


  3. Umi Fatimah does not have to endure the pain of having her beloved son, Dr. Malachi Z. York El, imprisoned. May her spirit be joined with our Ancestors and rest in their arms. I got to hear her lovig voice but I never got to meet her personally. I enjoy the memories that people have of her. She will forever be the Mother of The Nuwuabians. Rest in peace Umi well!

    Hotep Ala Antut wa Wahed A'shug Umi,

    Het Heret Ba'alat Sekhmet
