
March 16, 2022

The Human Aura - TEPI HESP

What most people don’t know is that the pyramid is an electromagnetic antenna that creates SCW “standing columnar waves” to prevent the wobble of the earth. After the destruction of A’tlaan,of Atlantis North America, the earth needed to be balanced. As electromagnetic antennas, the black pyramid refocuses  light into a NASUT “energy” source of tachyon frequencies: the physical, the mental, spiritual.

The original pyramids of TAMA-RE “Egipt” were white polished limestones with a gold capstone to draw the suns light like son solar panels. The pyramid was also a tool to help humans advance into a higher state of consciousness. Around everybody there is TEPI HESP an “aura” electromagnetic field. 

The concept of the body illuminating and alternating colors as your mood changes is also from ancient Egipt. The human’s aura as it’s calledd today was originally called TEPI-HESP has a negative electrical charge, and changes colors according to a positive and negative electrical charges. 

This was all taught to you while you were a member of the Sons of the Green Light and ANCIENT MYSITC ORDER OF MILCHEZEDEK.  Review your lessons and degrees. If they are to advance A.E.O., THE ANCIENT EGIPTIAN ORDER and overcome the matter, then the individual must change his or her aura to a more positive electrical charge; and the pyramid is a tuning device to help human children of the Neteraat “deities” to achieve this change. 

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