
April 26, 2023

Amunnubi Rooakptah Being Interviewed on The Black Book


Amunnubi Rooakptah Being Interviewed on “The Black Book”
Known as Neter: A’aferti Atum-Re

April 24, 2023

Is The Devil’s Rule Up?


Amun Nubi Ra Akh Ptah
Is the Devil’s Rule Up?
Copyright 1999 Nuwaubu Records All Rights Reserved

April 23, 2023

Black Devils


The True Light Tapes
Black Devils
Spoken and Translated by
Dr. Malachi Z. York

April 22, 2023

Little Green Men!


Set the Record Straight
Little Green Men!
The Supreme Grand Master
Maku Nayya: MalachiZodok York-El