February 17, 2024

Somali Rose Scented Oil

 Somali Rose scented oil, an aromatic gem, carries profound spiritual symbolism. Derived from the resplendent Rosa centifolia blossoms of Somalia, it embodies the essence of divine love and enlightenment. The fragrant essence of roses has been revered across cultures for its capacity to evoke deep emotions and spiritual connection.

In a spiritual context, Somali Rose scented oil is believed to open the heart chakra, facilitating love, compassion, and inner peace. Its exquisite aroma invokes a sense of harmony, aligning the soul with the universal energy of love. Meditative practices with this oil may aid in healing emotional wounds, promoting self-love, and forging a deeper connection with the divine.

The delicate yet potent scent of Somali Rose is a reminder of the beauty within and around us, encouraging us to bloom spiritually. Its presence in rituals and ceremonies can elevate consciousness and serve as a fragrant conduit to the sacred, nurturing the spirit and fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life.


Somali Rose Scented Oil

Just replenish our collection of scented oil

Our most popular scented oil is no doubt Frankincense & Myrrh

Arabian Sandalwood is the latest addition.  Wont’ last long and I’m not sure if we will be able to resupply this one.

Can’t go wrong with our uncut Egyptian Musk

Frankincense, Must have for every household

Myrrh a favorite

I just want to say that I am grateful and thankful for the support we have been receiving for the past 10 years.  It is not easy owning and running an AEOE Bookstore 
Tawuhatt once again.

February 08, 2024

The Ancient Egiptian Order


The Ancient Egiptian Order offers studies in Egyptology, Psychometry, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Metaphysics, Yoga, Mysticism, Spiritual Healing, Reincarnation or Meshkenet "Karma", Science of Mediation, Concentration, the human Tepi Hesp Aura excercises to help you open your USA "third eye of Re "Ra", Sufi-ism of Islam, Essen-ism of Hebrews, Sacred Teaching of Freemasons and much more

February 07, 2024

Pa Zakurane "The Remembrance"



The whole involvement of Pa Zakurane "The Remembrance"circle may cause powerful energies to surge upward in each person and represents a profound course in spiritual development.

The Ancient Egiptian Order
Sacred Tones
Guidance from the Masters

January 27, 2024

2024 Reading List is here!


Signs of Time is here and prepare yourself.  Here are the must read scrolls of 2024.
This list will continue to be upgraded.  Get started with these scrolls.  
Join our Reading Club.  Email for more info at aeoebookstore@gmail.com  

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