August 02, 2010

Will Marching and Demonstrating Free Our People?

Our True Roots, Scroll #138, Revised
by Dr. Malachi Z. York

Ans:  No, Absolutely Not!  Marches and demonstrations will not get you freedom.  We have tried that.  Bullets and fire arms will get you killed, for you don't make or produce anything but noise.  You, at one time did produce babies, now you have stopped that.  Money won't get you your freedom, for now a depression is on the scene.  Education only makes you a bigger fool if you don't have the proper education of self.  As the saying goes "A Person Without The Knowledge of Self Is Like A Tree Without Roots"... Dead.  Civil Rights Won't Help Your Cause.

(Excerpt from the book "Our True Roots" Scroll #138, Revised)

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