September 25, 2010

Bishop Eddie Long is being accused of Child Molestation

Yep, as Dr. Malachi Z. York stated in his interview entitled "MAKU SPEAKS", "You better get on the band wagon, or they are coming after YOU next".  Dr. York was speaking about the religious leader in Georgia.  Well folks here it is finally just as what Dr. York stated in his recorded live interview.  Bishop Long one of America's well know African American Pastor, right here in Georgia is accused of sexual molestation by young men.  They are not only accusing of Bishop Eddie Long for child molestation or sexual abuse, they are accusing him as a pedophile!  YOU GOT NEXT!


  1. Character assassinated already by the media even before he goes to court. Yep, sound familiar? What kind of jury or justice do you think he'll get? or do you think he'll even make it to court? or do you think he'll settle like Michael Jackson? I hope he doesn't hired the Garland Firm.

  2. How right can one person be???? I find it convenant for the media and the devil to come after sussessful people of power! It NEVER EVER fails!!

  3. All you crazy black cultists !!! I understand (or should I say 'overstand' lol) that you many of you feel the need to feel somehow more special in the eyes of the most high, due to the fact that largely you all still have a gigantic chip on your shoulders (seen from Nibiru he he) because of the slave trade etc etc ad infinum !!!) So you can't be content with just being an equal member of the human race, this is because you allowed the trials of your ancestors (yes not YOU !!! YOU didn't go through a damned thing, yet still have a monumental chip on your shoulders seen from Nibiru !!!) to dictate how you see yourselves, you were made to feel somehow less than human, and so instead of growing out of that attitude, you needed to feel somehow superior, and so people like Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and the most ludicrous of all Dr Dwight Z York come along and regale you all with tales of how you are 'the Hebrew Israelites' 'the real Jews' and teach you that every Biblical character was black, and predictably you lap it up !!! So much so that a great number of you would listen to this crap from the horses (devils) mouth while he houses the men in one building with their women in another, while he MOLESTS YOUR CHILDREN !!! ABSOLUTELY SICKENING !!!

  4. All you crazy black cultists !!! I understand (or should I say 'overstand' lol) that you many of you feel the need to feel somehow more special in the eyes of the most high, due to the fact that largely you all still have a gigantic chip on your shoulders (seen from Nibiru he he) because of the slave trade etc etc ad infinum !!!) So you can't be content with just being an equal member of the human race, this is because you allowed the trials of your ancestors (yes not YOU !!! YOU didn't go through a damned thing, yet still have a monumental chip on your shoulders seen from Nibiru !!!) to dictate how you see yourselves, you were made to feel somehow less than human, and so instead of growing out of that attitude, you needed to feel somehow superior, and so people like Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and the most ludicrous of all Dr Dwight Z York come along and regale you all with tales of how you are 'the Hebrew Israelites' 'the real Jews' and teach you that every Biblical character was black, and predictably you lap it up !!! So much so that a great number of you would listen to this crap from the horses (devils) mouth while he houses the men in one building with their women in another, while he MOLESTS YOUR CHILDREN !!! ABSOLUTELY SICKENING !!!


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