April 21, 2012

Where is Dr. Malachi Z. York?

Dr. Malachi Z. York is currently locked up in a supermax prison.  Located in Florence Colorado.

as you can see he's under the name Dwight D. York
click here for the site

April 10, 2012

What is Nuwau-Pu?

350 Question:  Ask the Sunni Orthodox, "What does Nuwaubu do for anyone who accepts it?'

Answer:  Nuwau-Pu is the science of sound right reasoning.  Nuwau-pu is right knowledge, right wisdom, and a right overstanding.  Nuwaupu is the science of experience, evidence and reason.  Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, and a Right Overstanding is what you need to restore your powerful mind of right reason.  Nuwau-Pu informs you that Knowledge is Knowing.  To Know is Knowledge for the first four letter of knowledge is K-N-O-W.  Knowledge is mental power with correct information.  Wisdom is knowing how and when to use knowledge.  The first three letters of Wisdom W-I-S.  Having the phonetics of the word Wise.  And an overstanding is receipt of knowledge by the mind and is the unity of knowledge and wisdom.

Nuwaupu and the forces and powers thereof; are liberty, equality, justice, rightness and proper survival for new beings - Nubians everywhere.  Nuwaupu and the powers that make it effective and binding are the equalizers in all fields, necessities and endeavors in which other races offer contest. (Refer to What is Nuwau-Bu?, Scroll #42) and I introduced overstanding to take you from this world into the next.  For the Holy Tablets is your passport to the New Life here after like in the hereafter.

the above is an excerpt from the book entitled
by Dr. Malachi Z. York
page 589

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