December 13, 2022

Our Prophecies Speaks


Our Prophecies speaks about a 30 year between 1970 A.D. and the year 2000 A.D., but that’s only 30 minutes of the FINAL HOUR.  You need 60 minutes.  We can reverse that if we come to consciousness.  We have the power to reverse that by our consciousness alone.  Just by being aware, if NOT, he comes into power, we become a fanatical cult and they move us out of the way and they will rule another 30 years.  We have to become 9 ETHER beings, not 6, 7, 8 Ether Beings.  It’s not about the hair, it’s the level of consciousness, the state of being and acknowledgement that you are in.

Millennium Book Part I

Page 396 by Dr. Malachi Z. York

September 25, 2022

New Hours of Operation


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August 29, 2022

KUSh, scented oil now available at AEOE Bookstore


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August 28, 2022

Who was the prophet Jonah PBUH?


Who was the prophet Jonah PBUH?
Book by Dr. Malachi Z. York
Find this book and more at

(404) 585-7019

August 27, 2022

Man of the Hour


Man of the Hour 
Scroll# 185

Book by Dr. Malachi Z. York
Find this book and more at
(404) 585-7019

August 26, 2022

Ancient Egypt and the Pharaohs


Ancient Egypt and the Pharaohs
Scroll# 190

Book by Dr. Malachi Z. York
Find this book and more at
(404) 585-7019

August 25, 2022

Saint Paul Disciple or Deceiver?


Saint Paul Disciple or Deceiver
Edition #162

Book by Dr. Malachi Z. York
Find this book and more at
(404) 585-7019

August 24, 2022

Hadrat Faatimah (AS) The Daughter of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Hadrat Faatimah (AS)
The Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Edition #161

Book by Dr. Malachi Z. York
Find this book and more at
(404) 585-7019

August 23, 2022

Fast of Ramadaan


Fast of Ramadaan
Edition #27 Revised

Book by Dr. Malachi Z. York
Find this book and more at
(404) 585-7019

The True Star of Al Islaam
Edition 165

Book by Dr. Malachi Z. York
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(404) 585-7019

August 22, 2022

The Resurrection


The Resurrection
Edition $171
Book by Dr. Malachi Z. York
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August 21, 2022

Are Pictures a Sin?


Are Pictures A Sin?
Book by Dr. Malachi Z. York
Edition 192
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August 20, 2022

Who was Jesus sent to?


By Dr. Malachi Z. York
Find these and more at

March 16, 2022

The Human Aura - TEPI HESP

What most people don’t know is that the pyramid is an electromagnetic antenna that creates SCW “standing columnar waves” to prevent the wobble of the earth. After the destruction of A’tlaan,of Atlantis North America, the earth needed to be balanced. As electromagnetic antennas, the black pyramid refocuses  light into a NASUT “energy” source of tachyon frequencies: the physical, the mental, spiritual.

The original pyramids of TAMA-RE “Egipt” were white polished limestones with a gold capstone to draw the suns light like son solar panels. The pyramid was also a tool to help humans advance into a higher state of consciousness. Around everybody there is TEPI HESP an “aura” electromagnetic field. 

The concept of the body illuminating and alternating colors as your mood changes is also from ancient Egipt. The human’s aura as it’s calledd today was originally called TEPI-HESP has a negative electrical charge, and changes colors according to a positive and negative electrical charges. 

This was all taught to you while you were a member of the Sons of the Green Light and ANCIENT MYSITC ORDER OF MILCHEZEDEK.  Review your lessons and degrees. If they are to advance A.E.O., THE ANCIENT EGIPTIAN ORDER and overcome the matter, then the individual must change his or her aura to a more positive electrical charge; and the pyramid is a tuning device to help human children of the Neteraat “deities” to achieve this change. 

February 28, 2022

What affect does 6 ether have on Negroes?

 6-Ether and ghost activate people’s minds foolishly to provoke their enemy and their helpers to shoot them down.

So 6-Ether and ghost will have innocent blood to subsist off.  So that two spirit forces (6-Ether and ghost) will get stronger in the atmosphere and maintain enemies, economic strength, religion, and prolong their dominance.  They are trying to incite race riots to have a justified reason for killing you.  

... The purpose of this is to cause chaos around the country so that marshall law can be instituted and they will be able to legally step in and tell you to do whatever they say or be put into jail.

The above is an excerpt from the book entitled “WHAT IS NUWAU-PU?” Page 11  by Dr. Malachi Z. York

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