June 19, 2012

Update status about the legal matters concerning Dr. Malachi Z. York

I received a forwarded email regarding the legal status of Dr. Malachi Z. York.  I was suprised but it was expected of them to make such a move eventually.  Anyway the email contained a video footage of Elizabeth Westbrook aka Nefu Amun Hotep aka their previous messenger aka pharaoh of the Nuwaupia Nation, her ex Damion Pryor known as Jacob York's partner in crime.  I will elaborate of that some other time.  To make a long story short, the Nuwaupia Administration is once again claiming indigenous rights and Dr. York is the president, as Nuwaubian Facts have been broadcasting this facts for years on blogtalkradio.com.  I also wasn't suprised that they didn't mentioned NuwaubianFacts.com.

Below is the screen shot of this email.

So a fellow Nuwaubian calls me and tell me that upon researching the given mailing address for the EMBASSY OF THE UNITED NATION OF NUWAUPIA
I don't even know what to say about that.

and the following were attached to the email

National Member Tribal Ledger
Notice that this document is suppose to be a legal document, but there's no header, logo or seal.  And then to put you more under the spell, they provide you with religion below.
Don't be fooled by cointelpro Agents.
We are not Nuwaupian! We are Nuwaubians. 
below is our passport, passport of UNNM


June 14, 2012

Nuwaubian Pendants and Amulets

Nuwaubian pendants, lapel pins and AEO amulets.

I've lost a lot and gain alot.  And along the way I managed to keep these with me.
They are clues to my Wisdom.

June 13, 2012

January 24 2004 Newspaper Clipping about Nuwaubians and Dr. Malachi Z. York

January 24, 2004
Jury finds York guilty
Leader could get 30 years in prison
by Wayne Crenshaw

Eatonton's reaction mixed
by Maggie large

Many people felt that Dr. Malachi Z. York is another victim of FBI cointelpro projects.
If you've followed he's legal proceedings, you know that that Dr. York was offered 15 years in prison
if he pleaded guilty.  The plea agreement also stated that they will released the other 3 women that were also arrested.  But afte pleading guity, the judge was asked to recused himself because he stated that the 15 years wasn't enough for the crimes that he was alledgedly accused of.

It was then that Judge C Ashley Royal took over the case. 
and he is more biased and one sided that the original judge to presided on the case.
Judge C. Ashley Royal was recorded on numerous accounts how he would assist the prosecution team. and you don't even have to read the trial transcript to figure that out.  Just read the pre-trial transcripts.  and you will see how this was definitely a kangaroo court lead by an injustice judge.

Jan 26 2003 Newspaper clipping about Nuwaubians and Dr. Malachi Z. York

January 26, 2003
Sheriff, DA defend York plea agreement
by Rob Peecher
Telegraph Staff Writer

Made the cover of The Macon Telegraph once again.
Title:  Sills: He was doing his duty
For Putnam sheriff, Nuwaubian leader's fate is a battle won
by Rob Peecher

Notice on alot of these articles are written by Rob Peecher.  He used to write for Eatonton Messenger.  and writing about the Nuwaubians landed him a gig at Macon's Telegraph.  He continued to write bias and one sided articles about Nuwaubians.  He asisted Sheriff Sills on his campaign against Nuwaubians and Dr. Malachi Z. York.  Clearly shows that they have control of the media and what how people will perceived Nuwaubians.

December 31 2003 - Newspaper Clipping

Here's another newspaper clipping were Dr. Malachi Z. York was mentioned.  Although this particular article is not 100% about him.  It did mentioned him.

December 31, 2003
Top 10 Midstate Stories of 2003

July 3 1997 Newspaper Clipping about Nuwaubians

The Eatonton Messenger
July 3, 1997
Thousands attend fraternal gathering
Four-day event geared for the family
by Roger Dotson

I wanted to continue to add to the Newspaper Clipping section of this blog.
If you have any newspaper clipping you would like to share with me
please email me at bloggerfanatic@gmail.com
and I will add them to this post.

June 02, 2012

All Eyes On Egypt Bookstre Monticello Georgia

Passed through Monticello Georgia recently but we didn't have the time to stop by the All Eyes On Egypt Bookstore located in town.  I just quickly snap some photos.  If you ever been inside, the Egyptian Style deco and wall murals just simply exquisite.  I'm not sure if they have a website address but if I do find out, I will update this page.

All Eyes On Egypt Bookstore of Monticello Georgia

If there's a bookstore in your area, please send me some pictures and contact information so I may share them to my readers.  My email addres is
nuwaubu4life at gmail.com
I had to write my email this email to stop spammers

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