July 24, 2017

Another Prophecy Fulfilled by Dr. Malachi Z. York

Excerpt from the book entitled " THE SPELL OF LEVIATHAN "666", Part 2"
Page 407

"Ala not only means "ON" It has several meanings, one of which is "In", 'The State Of, 'In the manner of'.  So do not look at the above verse as a physical exterior marking.  This mark will be "In" their right hand, or their "FOREHEADS".  The Creator did not say "On" He said "In." in 1971 A.D., with the first publishing of "Leviathan 666" I told you that in 1992 A.D., the mark in the hand", would become a reality.  Now in 1996 A.D. They have manufactured a computerized chip that identifies you,  This will be the only method by which man can bank or trade with his credit card.  It will be a cashless society."

July 09, 2017

The Khaliyfahs - Nuwaubian Poster


Ansaaru Allah Community in the United States of America
Brooklyn, NY 11221 U.S.A.
(718) 443-9695

Vintage Nuwaubian Poster

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