February 09, 2025

The first part of our liberation by way of NUWAUBU what I have to give

Some think it's Warith D, Muhammad, son of Elijah Muhammad;  Others think it's Minister Louis Farrakhan or Yahweh Ben Yahweh or Ben Ammi Carter.
And even others think it is themselves, and the list of saviors goes on.
From the early 1900s all the way up to 1975 A.D. when something new happened.
A teaching unlike before started spreading.  It started with the awareness of our culture and identity, an awakening all around the globe with the only barriers of language and religion.  There was a wave of riots everywhere which only added to the tension.  And the formation of organizations like the Black Panthers founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale for a never ending struggle for the liberation of Nuwaubians.  This made way for the first part of our liberation by way of Nuwaubu, What I have to give, would liberate the mind of the Nuwaubian Nation and the physical will follow;  Because once there is mental unity there is physical unity, because where the mind goes the body will follow.  This too was apart of the preparation for my appearance.

Others like the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Martin Luther King were concerned with the upliftment and sense of pride in Nuwaubian people, and the beginnings of a doctrine.  Not knowing who we were or where we came from and where we are. going.  The time was now! Right Truth has come to put all false things under your feet With a doctrine to give you the power to test all who stand in front of you.  And dares to claim they have the truth.  I am here amongst you to take you by the hand and lead you to that which was promised you.  You should feel a comfort being with me. I truly know the way out of the hell you Nuwaubians have been in for 6000 years,  How to break the spell.

For all who will listen. It is through Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, and a Right Overstanding, which is the Science of Nuwaubu.  Don't turn away from your last chance of salvation. This is the book that will solve the problem, The Problem Book.   I say test me and you will see who I really am.  Ask and it shall be given.  Seek and you shall find.  Knock and the door shall be open unto you.  Simply ASK, Ask Seek Knock.  Merely ask for I am your long awaited savior!  It is my voice that roars with the sound of many waters saying these things.  I say unto you who are faithful and true, I am The Melchizedek of all the holy prophets. Allah has sent me to give good tidings to prepare the way for Ha Mashiakh or El Masuh, The Real Messiah,

February 08, 2025

Because Some Of The Extraterrestrials Want The Planet, What Is Going To Happen To The Humans That Are On The Planet?

Ans: The First Stage Of Their One World Plan Is To Use Biological Warfare To Rid The Planet Of Undesirables. I Tried To Prepare You For This In My Book "Leviathan 666", Edition#15. The Biological Warfare Is Out Of Control. A Key Example Of This Is AIDS. This Disease Was To Eliminate The Planet Down To 25% And Those Who Are Not Eliminated By This Disease Will Be Affected By Another Such As The New Killer, The Flesh Eating Virus That Has Killed Many With In A Matter Of Minutes Called Streptococcus, And Many Other Diseases And Viruses (Refer To "The Scroll Of Malachi" Scroll #111 And "What Is God Doing For You?" Scroll# 54).

excerpt from Are there UFO's Extraterrestrials in your Midst
by Dr. Malachi Z. York

This book is over 25 years old but it's more prevalent in this day and time.

The Agenda

These Entities Function Mostly In The 4th And 5th Density, Which Includes The Density Humans Refer To As "Astral" The Woman Was Told That She Was Abducted And Implanted Because They Thought She Was An "Opinion Leader". The Beings Would Develop A Pulsing Glow Around Their Heads When They Became Excited. The Entities Function According To Service To Self And Utilize Implantation As A Manipulative Factor:

They Control Governments By Picking Up Likely Subjects And Implanting Them, Manipulating Their Careers And Elevating Them Within The Societal Structure To Positions Of Power And/Or A Position As A Leader Of Public Opinions When A Human Candidate Becames Controlled By Reason Of Inculcation Therapy Which Is To Impress Or To Instill Something In The Mind By Repetition. They Often Knock The Individual "Out Of His Head" And Store The Human's Consciousness/Individuality While An Artificially Created Intelligence Is Placed In The Head Of The Candidates Body To Carry Forth Covert Operations Against The Human Population. They Created Religious Thoughts And Control Many Of Your Religious Leadership.

Humans Implanted As Controls Are Indoctrinated Into The Belief That They Are Superior To "Other" Humans. The Extraterrestrials Then Give Humans Technology Or Help Them to obtain To Obtain Weapons For Use Against Each Other. All, Key Personnel Are Implanted And Controlled By The Extraterrestrial Species.

excerpt from page 97 of Äre there (UFO's) Extraterrestrials in Your Midst?

by Dr. Malachi Z. York

Are there UFO's in your Midst?
by Dr. Malachi Z. York

Where are all the Jobs in Eatonton Going?

Because the Nuwaubians couldn't get a fair media coverage, they were left no choice but to published and circulate flyers with the facts.


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