March 11, 2011

Signs of Time

Page 24 of The Sacred Records of Atum-Re

December 24th 1981-2011,  30 years in all ancient cultures these dates are commemorated for the end of one cycle and the birth of another.

Signs of 7 Thunders

TOKYO – Japanese police say 200 to 300 bodies have been found in a northeastern coastal area where a massive earthquake spawned a tsunami.

The magnitude 8.9 offshore quake unleashed a 23-foot (7-meter) tsunami and was followed by more than 50 aftershocks for hours, many of them of more than magnitude 6.0. Earlier, police confirmed at least 60 people had been killed and 56 were missing. The death toll was likely to continue climbing given the scale of Friday's disaster.

Doc warned us of these great tragedy to befall Earth and Humans.  Mother nature is changing.  Global warming is happening and here to stay.  Water will rise and continents will ship.  The ancient ones are coming.  Prepare yourself, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Align yourself with our ancestors and they will guide us and help us prepare for what is to come.

Its only March, and the birds have fallen from skies for no apparent reason and died.  Fish in the sea are trying to escape the waters.  Earthquake after earthquakes and tsunamis and its only March.  Wars are still escalating.  They get veered off the path and not notice the signs.  Pay attention to the signs.  We must prepare ourselves. 


March 02, 2011

Takshaka Malik, King of Naga Serpents

We are not under the spell.  We know who you are.  We know you want to be the king (Malik).  A good friend shared something to me and I want to share it to you all.  According to The Sacred Records of Atum-Re, (the original, not the one "they" revised)  on page 313, lets you know who is Takshaka Malik,  as it states:

"146.  Yes the Dogons called them Nommos, the Yoruba referred to them as Olukun, the Pygmies in Africa referred to them as Ogrigwabibikwa, the dwarfs who changed into reptiles, the Greeks used Dercito, for fishtail humans, the Mesopotamians use Dagan, half man half fish, the East Indians say Takshaka, king of Naga serpents.  "

there it is, what more can I say.  Doc always say pay attention to their names.  Only fools duck when the truth is thrown at them.

Takshaka Malik, King of the Naga Serpents 
We always knew it was a Luciferian Conspiracy.  These Reptilians wants to eat you.  Now ask yourself why did his bookstore got burnt?  Why the bookstore in Brooklyn got hit with the tornadoes in 2010.  Why is Poolite (Paul Light) wants to be the leader and self proclaim leader of the Nuwaubians?, Don't you remember he was involve in a shooting in NY bookstore?  Wasn't he the one who shot another Nuwaubian member?  Watch who you follow, pay attention to the people thats so called leading you.  We don't need no leader,we are GODS and children of the Most High.  

Dr. Malachi Z. York always stated that he took mere mortals and turned them into GODS.

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