October 10, 2013

Tone Ceremony, Are you attending?

Just wanted to know if anyone are planning to attend the tone ceremony.  See the flyer below for more info.

For the love of Egypt, Rihanna

Rihanna honored her late grandmother with this chest tattoo of the Egyptian goddess Isis. "Goddess Isis – Complete Woman – Model for future generations – #GRANGRANDOLLY – always in and on my heart," she wrote.

Rihanna posted this photo on June 16, 2012, to show off her Egyptian falcon tattoo, which covered up a musical note that once decorated her ankle. "Back in the day, they would carve into the walls and they would carve a falcon," explained RiRi, "because they didn't have another way of saying a king in the sky."

Rihanna went Arabic for the tat on her left ribcage. It reportedly translates to "freedom in God."

Rihanna reveals her Nefertiti design in a photo shot by Terry Richardson.

May 13, 2013

Nuwaubian Greeting Cards

Found these old Greeting Cards in my old chest.  I think these were back in the Holy Tabernacle days.

Nuwaubian Greeting Cards

back of the greeting cards

Murdoq, on the face of Nuwaubian Greeting cards.

inside the card the famous phrase of Dr. York
"Peace in the Lamb, It's Truly Wonderful..."

May 12, 2013

Nuwaubian Postcards

I'm trying to make for all the time I missed blogging this year.  So here is another post and I hope you guys enjoy it.  and if you have any to share please do so and email me at aeoebookstore@gmail.com

There were several postcards design by Nuwaubians and these are just three of many.  
I tried to preserved them as much as I can and I've put them up for display in this 3 tier frame.  


back of the postcard. (you can even click on the image to view a larger size)

These are 4x6 postcards (designed by Atiyah)

Nuwaubian Products

I visited a friend the other day and her house is filled with Nuwaubian products and paraphernalia.  I wanted to share a few with you guys.  It really brought me back in the days.

Nuwaubian candle holders 

This plate is designed by a Nuwaubian sister, who lived on the land with her family.  I wonder what happened to them?  

Nuwaubu Baking Soda Toothpaste, no fluoride here.
Doc was on to something.

Pa Ashutaat Rug, hung on the wall as decorative piece.

Through out her home, Dr. York pictures adorned  the walls with ancient Egyptian artifacts.

January 11, 2013

Been a busy new Year

I haven't been adding new post to this blog, because it has been a busy New Year, but I wanted to post today although I don't really have much to say, just to let you guys know that I'm still here.  There are plenty in the making with AEOE bookstore. 

1.  Although our magazine debuted last year, we are planning to launch it in full force this year.  We would like to get others involved in it.  We are looking for writers, editors, and researchers.  If you're interested, please let us know.  email us at aeoebookstore @gmail.com   

2.  We are adding more e-books to our ever growing digital library. 

3.  There are new greeting cards coming soon.  Well they are not new, but maybe new to some of you who have not seen them.

4.  Finally, we got our T-Shirt department stock and ready, so be on the look out for new T-Shirts and other apparels. 

5.  In the beta mode, we are encouraging other Nuwaubian authors, to sell their books in our bookstore.  If you're interested, email us and let us know the title of your book, your contact info, and when your book was published.

January 01, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!! to everyone and wishing you all a prosper and progressive year ahead.  Visualization is the key.  Let's visualize Dr. York his freedom.

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