January 07, 2018

April 27 - The Reverend Jesse Jackson speaks out in Putnam

Just when Sheriff Sills thought. he had the Nuwaubians trapped in his web of confusion, the Revered Jessie' Jackson " the peace maker" is coming to Putnam County on April 27, 2001 at 2:00 P.M., to get a first hand look at just what the corrupt officials are doing. With him comes worldwide media and the truth will finally have a chance to reveal itself. The truth being how the nine new land owners and the Pastor Marshall Chance of Holy Tabernacle Ministry located at 404 Shady Dale Rd. property " The Holy Land" has tried relentlessly to settle all disputes about the property. They went before the former Chief Building Inspector Jerome "Dizzy" Adams in attempts to obtain permits for their property. In particularly the controversial "Rameses II Social Club". In accordance to the United States Constitution, they have the rights as property owners to use the building. All the Judges know this. That's why in the court order against the former land owner (98-CV-136-5) it states that the former land owner could use the building, and we quote " if the defendants change the intended use of the said building and such use is done in a manner so as to legally comply with the zoning and building ordinances of Putnam County, then the defendants may use the said building for this purpose" This case (98-CV-136-5) started 1998 A.D. personally by Sheriff Sills, not the Building and Zoning Inspector, not the Board of Commissioner- by Sills! And it was against the former property owner, which has absolutely nothing to do with the new property owners or the Holy Tabemacle Ministry, but Sills wants to blame them because they are also black. Fie is trying to hold the new land owners under the old owner's court order. Taking away their rights to use the building for their intended purpose. Is it legal ? No, for 3 years Sills and Ford have been violating the property owners rights! They have done everything in their power to stop all construction on the 404 Shady Dale Property by keep everything in a state of mass confusion. From fining a member of the Holy Tabernacle Ministry, Mr. Victor Greig, $ 45,750.00, to illegal property searches, and banishment of another member of The Holy Tabernacle Ministry, Mr. Thomas Chism, preventing him from attending his church for 3 years.. What amazes us the most is when you check the county Ordinance Violations you will find records that will reflect other Putnam County Residents as being fined for some of the exact same violations that Nuwaubian, Mr. Victor Greig was cited for. As you can see to your left on the next page. Why wasn't Mr. Robert Taylor, Phil Bailey and Leonard Lizek all fined thousands of dollars and dragged through the courts, then jailed ? Check the files they all committed the same crime that Nuwaubian Mr. Victorrecords on Putnam County Grieg was accused of. This is further concrete proof of Sheriff Sills targeting the Nuwaubi-


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