August 17, 2024

The first fire worshipper

14 But as for Cain’s offering this was not respected, because he had made a tribute from the unmovable things, and he offered a rotten ear of wheat stalk.

15 The meal that he prepared for the deities was not the very best.

16 Cain, son of Kadmon, knew that the full consumption of an offering cooked by fire meant that the offering was accepted.

17 They all enjoyed the meal down to the last morsel.

18 He said that he would worship the fire, so that the fire would accept his offering.

19 He was the first fire worshipper and was accepted into the order of Nanna.

20 Cain’s seed was the first to worship Zuen as Zu, or as Tiamat the great Leviathan, as the spell was cast and fire.

21 So Abel’s sacrifice and meal was respected and Cain’s was not because he offered it without faith.  

Page 848 

Holy Tablet by

Dr. Malachi Z. York

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