July 18, 2011

Is Death a Sickness?

Ques:  Is Death a Sickness?

Ans:  Yes!  It is also a sickness that can and will be cured.  During that period of transition referred to as "Death" the body ceases to perform the life functions, "It's Sick".  The physical body is of the gross Earth Plane, for it comes from and is composed of the elements of the Earth.  So "The Cure" is also here.  True age should be 120 years of earth time for this body (Genesis 6:3) bad food, air, water and thinking is why it ends before 120 years.  Having served its purpose, it returns to the earth, but when and how one dies is the key.

The above is an excerpt from the book entitled "From Ignorance Into Intellect, Questions and Answers with Malachizodoq for A.M.O.M. Part 1" by Dr. Malachi Z. York on page 13.  I read the book in its entirety yesterday and found it to be very informative.   It touches a lot of subjects.  In the first few pages, people were asking questions regarding the "Death" topic.  Dr. Malachi Z. York answered many of the following questions:

  1. What is Death?
  2. Isn't there only one type of Death?
  3. Is Death a Sickness?
  4. What happens when you physically die?
  5. Isn't Death just a part of nature?
  6. After we die is that it?  Are we just dead?
  7. Is that the end of us?
  8. So death is really another beginning?
  9. What happens if the etheric cord is cut?
and many more other more questions are answered in this book.  The book doesn't have a lot of pages.  So it didn't take me long to finish reading it.  I'm trying to to put my head deep in my doctrine.   For those who knows, knows.


  1. What happen when you die? Is death the end

  2. What happen when you die? Is death the end?

  3. U die but your spirit will remain an come back until recursion

  4. U die but your spirit will remain an come back until recursion


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