June 28, 2010
Judge leaves compound in Nuwaubians' control - for now
a federal judge ruled Wednesday that $1.7 million in land tied to the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors will remain in the hands of its members until the court decides whether the sect's leader convicted child molester Malachi York, will get a new trial.
U.S. District Judge C. Ashley Royal said there was no evidence shown
Judge denies new trial for York
United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors leader Malachi York was denied a request for a new trial Monday afternoon by U.S. District Court Judge Ashley Royal.
York is serving a 135-year federal sentence for his conviction in January of child molestation and racketeering.
A hearing was held Friday on York's request for a new trial, which was based on sworn statements withness Habiybah Washington gave after his convction, in which she said
Sect leader York's trial still will likely be in Covington
The Superior Court Judge presiding over the upcoming Nuwaubian trial denied a change of venue motion last week ensuring the trial will take place in Covington.
Nuwaubian leader Dwight "Malachi" York and his codefendants are named in 208 counts of child molestation and other charges. Last month, a change of venue motion was granted moving the
June 20, 2010
Letter from Dr. Malachi Z. York on October 31, 2004
The All is I am (has a symbol here) if you keep looking you will see, if you keep asking you will find the truth I'm in the love of the All and all love is in me. I'm a part of the all and all is part of me. I am never alone nor are you. (Nuwaubic) Greetings: Dean Smith How are you an the Nuwaubian Nation in Canada? Yes I am doing very well these days. The Elders arrived Aug. 12, 2003 and stay with me until Aug 12, 2004. They had much to say and how to link all our teachings from 1967 up and until. Made it so clear. As they conveyed it to me, I would get on the phone and impart it to the sisters in my office. All day on phone as each burnt out I spoke to the next. These beast BA-USHUM-GAL panic at the out formation and moved me to total lockdown but not before all was said and done. Now they speak to me of the gathering of the 144,000 and to whom I should give messages for the N.N. to read out at our meetings. Also to give WU-NUWAUBU studies to people call 706-425-2054 ask for sister NEFU if you want your studies, also show support for my daughter RICHELL. When you call get Canada back on page, come from behind the 9 ball. Be a part for this is our time. And the Canaanites are falling each. Look around you will see. I will always have time for the true Nuwaubians who live by the Holy Tablets "NUWAUBLE" and the Family Guide Book. I give all praise to ALYUWN AL who is AL ALAY which is the Heavenly Father ANU and his blessed consort IYD who is IYD the motehr of all seas NIN, A lady of the water, mother of the Holy Son EN. NUDIMMUD, also E.A. "He who's house is water." And his blessed beloved sister and helper, NIN HUR SAG who gave her own Ti "seed, Gene" as mammi mother NIN.TI "lady of the seed" She cloned T: TI "Hawwah" the females of YAH. WAH Jehovah called Nuns. And ADABA "Zakar, Adam" Earthling of the dust of the ground" Gen. 2:7, Qur 6:2 who was called Monks or the Dravidians. East Indians Aryans seed. Who bread seeds with the V-SHUM-GAL. And the other seek Gen 1:27 who the Anunnaqi Elohyeem made in thier own image after thier own likenes, the original Nubusn. Black seed of Ghibore of Sargon 1, Nimrod who did not worship ENLIL the lord of the Sky the Jehovah.
The Lord God.
He was a God himself and master builder. A Kishites, Kush, Cush pure 9-Ether black seed. He was hated by ENLIL, the Lord of LIL, ILU. ILLAH, ELI, ALLAH, because he build for ANU. Gen. 10:10 Calneh "fortress of ANU.
And Amos 6:2 He obeyed ENQI son of ANU. And ENQI fathered EN-MURDUQ who began DAMUZI who begat TAMMUZ.
Ruled in Africa
All is in place now you don't have to pray to take my place. You have to spread WU-NUWAUBU so my work is not in vain. Open stores, not one. Join the Lodge, A.E.O. Amom. Keep right knowledge alive. Put back on your Black, get out your black FEZ. Tell sister to wear the BINDI and NIN braid. Study your Nuwaubic; let's show these devils the power of NUWAUBU. The new name in REV. That know one knows its meaning but the true Lamb and his 144,000 ELIJAH has come and gone the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) now its Malachi time, MALACHI 4:5 DAN 12, our day has come. Wake up my jewels of my EYES because he AMUNUBI RAKHPTAH, YAANUWN is here with you to claim Rev. 11:1-4 and Rev 19: 1-9 why Rev. 20:1-3 because Rev. 21:1-8 Nibiru the planet X is seen these day, so ISA 52 my children Now is Rev. 18, Matt. 24. Get on the UNNM.com Be a part in Canada. it is no time to play. Give them back their 3ISM 1. Mosesism: all for of Hebre, Israelite Jewish
2. Jesusism: all for of Christianity, Messeantic, Rasta
3. Muhammadism: all forms of Islam, Ishmaelite, Ansar, Sunni, Shiite, N.O.I. 5%, Moorish. Give them back the missile toes.
The spell of blind faith: 1Deaf 2 Dumb 3 Blind faith wihout facts.
1. Torah
2. Bible
3. Quraan
Old-New Test-Amen-ts.
Last Rev. 3:4 the AMUN-RA break the spell of Ignorance of their 3, Jehovah the Father, Jesus the Son, and Angel familiar spirits, spookism, Ghost worship. Spirits, un-hly Ghost. 6-Ether spirit forces, 3rd son Levi "to join" Ex 1:2
3rd Book Leviticus 3 month Moses, a Levite put in Nile Ex 2:1-3 3rd son of Canaan Jebusite Gen 10:16 they pray 3x a day They're here WAKE UP TIME
(I'm not really sure exactly when this letter was receive by the receiver, on the post it stated October 2004)
The All is I am (has a symbol here) if you keep looking you will see, if you keep asking you will find the truth I'm in the love of the All and all love is in me. I'm a part of the all and all is part of me. I am never alone nor are you. (Nuwaubic) Greetings: Dean Smith How are you an the Nuwaubian Nation in Canada? Yes I am doing very well these days. The Elders arrived Aug. 12, 2003 and stay with me until Aug 12, 2004. They had much to say and how to link all our teachings from 1967 up and until. Made it so clear. As they conveyed it to me, I would get on the phone and impart it to the sisters in my office. All day on phone as each burnt out I spoke to the next. These beast BA-USHUM-GAL panic at the out formation and moved me to total lockdown but not before all was said and done. Now they speak to me of the gathering of the 144,000 and to whom I should give messages for the N.N. to read out at our meetings. Also to give WU-NUWAUBU studies to people call 706-425-2054 ask for sister NEFU if you want your studies, also show support for my daughter RICHELL. When you call get Canada back on page, come from behind the 9 ball. Be a part for this is our time. And the Canaanites are falling each. Look around you will see. I will always have time for the true Nuwaubians who live by the Holy Tablets "NUWAUBLE" and the Family Guide Book. I give all praise to ALYUWN AL who is AL ALAY which is the Heavenly Father ANU and his blessed consort IYD who is IYD the motehr of all seas NIN, A lady of the water, mother of the Holy Son EN. NUDIMMUD, also E.A. "He who's house is water." And his blessed beloved sister and helper, NIN HUR SAG who gave her own Ti "seed, Gene" as mammi mother NIN.TI "lady of the seed" She cloned T: TI "Hawwah" the females of YAH. WAH Jehovah called Nuns. And ADABA "Zakar, Adam" Earthling of the dust of the ground" Gen. 2:7, Qur 6:2 who was called Monks or the Dravidians. East Indians Aryans seed. Who bread seeds with the V-SHUM-GAL. And the other seek Gen 1:27 who the Anunnaqi Elohyeem made in thier own image after thier own likenes, the original Nubusn. Black seed of Ghibore of Sargon 1, Nimrod who did not worship ENLIL the lord of the Sky the Jehovah.
The Lord God.
He was a God himself and master builder. A Kishites, Kush, Cush pure 9-Ether black seed. He was hated by ENLIL, the Lord of LIL, ILU. ILLAH, ELI, ALLAH, because he build for ANU. Gen. 10:10 Calneh "fortress of ANU.
And Amos 6:2 He obeyed ENQI son of ANU. And ENQI fathered EN-MURDUQ who began DAMUZI who begat TAMMUZ.
Ruled in Africa
All is in place now you don't have to pray to take my place. You have to spread WU-NUWAUBU so my work is not in vain. Open stores, not one. Join the Lodge, A.E.O. Amom. Keep right knowledge alive. Put back on your Black, get out your black FEZ. Tell sister to wear the BINDI and NIN braid. Study your Nuwaubic; let's show these devils the power of NUWAUBU. The new name in REV. That know one knows its meaning but the true Lamb and his 144,000 ELIJAH has come and gone the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) now its Malachi time, MALACHI 4:5 DAN 12, our day has come. Wake up my jewels of my EYES because he AMUNUBI RAKHPTAH, YAANUWN is here with you to claim Rev. 11:1-4 and Rev 19: 1-9 why Rev. 20:1-3 because Rev. 21:1-8 Nibiru the planet X is seen these day, so ISA 52 my children Now is Rev. 18, Matt. 24. Get on the UNNM.com Be a part in Canada. it is no time to play. Give them back their 3ISM 1. Mosesism: all for of Hebre, Israelite Jewish
2. Jesusism: all for of Christianity, Messeantic, Rasta
3. Muhammadism: all forms of Islam, Ishmaelite, Ansar, Sunni, Shiite, N.O.I. 5%, Moorish. Give them back the missile toes.
The spell of blind faith: 1Deaf 2 Dumb 3 Blind faith wihout facts.
1. Torah
2. Bible
3. Quraan
Old-New Test-Amen-ts.
Last Rev. 3:4 the AMUN-RA break the spell of Ignorance of their 3, Jehovah the Father, Jesus the Son, and Angel familiar spirits, spookism, Ghost worship. Spirits, un-hly Ghost. 6-Ether spirit forces, 3rd son Levi "to join" Ex 1:2
3rd Book Leviticus 3 month Moses, a Levite put in Nile Ex 2:1-3 3rd son of Canaan Jebusite Gen 10:16 they pray 3x a day They're here WAKE UP TIME
(I'm not really sure exactly when this letter was receive by the receiver, on the post it stated October 2004)
June 09, 2010
Letter from Dr. Malachi Z. York
Yasu-a El Rabb.
God Bless You All - Praise His Holy Name
Yacub "James" brother of our savior, El Masuh Yasu-a says:
James 3:13-18
"13 Who [is] a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? (asking the quesion0 let him shew out a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. 14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts (if you are confused), glory not, and lie not agains the truth. 15 This wisdom descendeth not from above [strong #509 anuthen- "from above"; root from strongs #507 anu- "on high", the Sumeran AN the Akkadian ANU], but [is] earthly (thing made up by humans), sensual (physical, seductive), devilish (the works of the Devil in human form teaching lies). 16 For where envying (Genesis 3:15) and strife [is], there [is] confusion (we have much confusion in our congregation about who is God) and every evil work (Cainites, Black Devils is our midst). 17 But the wisdom that is from above (ANU) is first pure (Taught to you first), then peaceable (Matthew 5:9), gentle, [and] easy to be inreated, full of mercy and good fruits (results), without partiality (from all people), and without hypocrisy (The Phonies). 18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. (Quran 5:16-17; 10:94; 11:69)"
It's so clear that people wanted to know about ANU, ENQI, and ENLIL. They needed to get the rest of that out of their system so we can get back on the right path as we are now. So let them have what they think is the key to salvation. It's only history. But the return of EL Masuh that all acknowledge. Some want to trick people to get money off of whatever looses their soul and they will see now they want to organize their own groups of followers. Good-Bye. Their leader has to wait to see what's next. Well they can't wait and they want me out of the way so they can have control, bu tof what?
James 1:12-15
"12 Blessed [is} the man that endureth temptaion: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. 13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neigther tempteth he any man: 14 But ever man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, when it is finished, bringeth for death."
Lust and luster. The power of evil rules their being. So it will be made clear because they can copy but they are not El Mujiddun or El Masuh, Just Hadith Talmud writers trying to make meony off people.
Matthew 16:26
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
Mark 8:36
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
Well, so much for Paul, Peter, and Judas. Let them have thier way. These are great days and times. The word is about to be made flesh again. The 144,000 will be raised and saved. So many seek the truth in a lie. Well truth has come and false things will fall away. The Sumerians and Egiptians are the mothers and fathers of the Hebrews as Abraham was called:
Quran 2:130
"And as for him who turned away, (rejecting the law), the Millat (Rites of Abrahm), he makes a fool of himself; and indeed we have chose him (Abraham) in this physical world; and surely when Al Akhir (the end) comes he will be of the Saalihiyn (perfectionists).
But we always looked for our Savior to return and now is that time in the embodiment of truth.
Rev. Dr. York 33
Abba Essa
Support my return to Liberia by supporting my beloved daughter Richelle.
(I didn't see any date on this letter either. My hardcopy didn't have it)
God Bless You All - Praise His Holy Name
Yacub "James" brother of our savior, El Masuh Yasu-a says:
James 3:13-18
"13 Who [is] a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? (asking the quesion0 let him shew out a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. 14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts (if you are confused), glory not, and lie not agains the truth. 15 This wisdom descendeth not from above [strong #509 anuthen- "from above"; root from strongs #507 anu- "on high", the Sumeran AN the Akkadian ANU], but [is] earthly (thing made up by humans), sensual (physical, seductive), devilish (the works of the Devil in human form teaching lies). 16 For where envying (Genesis 3:15) and strife [is], there [is] confusion (we have much confusion in our congregation about who is God) and every evil work (Cainites, Black Devils is our midst). 17 But the wisdom that is from above (ANU) is first pure (Taught to you first), then peaceable (Matthew 5:9), gentle, [and] easy to be inreated, full of mercy and good fruits (results), without partiality (from all people), and without hypocrisy (The Phonies). 18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace. (Quran 5:16-17; 10:94; 11:69)"
It's so clear that people wanted to know about ANU, ENQI, and ENLIL. They needed to get the rest of that out of their system so we can get back on the right path as we are now. So let them have what they think is the key to salvation. It's only history. But the return of EL Masuh that all acknowledge. Some want to trick people to get money off of whatever looses their soul and they will see now they want to organize their own groups of followers. Good-Bye. Their leader has to wait to see what's next. Well they can't wait and they want me out of the way so they can have control, bu tof what?
James 1:12-15
"12 Blessed [is} the man that endureth temptaion: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. 13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neigther tempteth he any man: 14 But ever man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, when it is finished, bringeth for death."
Lust and luster. The power of evil rules their being. So it will be made clear because they can copy but they are not El Mujiddun or El Masuh, Just Hadith Talmud writers trying to make meony off people.
Matthew 16:26
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
Mark 8:36
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
Well, so much for Paul, Peter, and Judas. Let them have thier way. These are great days and times. The word is about to be made flesh again. The 144,000 will be raised and saved. So many seek the truth in a lie. Well truth has come and false things will fall away. The Sumerians and Egiptians are the mothers and fathers of the Hebrews as Abraham was called:
Quran 2:130
"And as for him who turned away, (rejecting the law), the Millat (Rites of Abrahm), he makes a fool of himself; and indeed we have chose him (Abraham) in this physical world; and surely when Al Akhir (the end) comes he will be of the Saalihiyn (perfectionists).
But we always looked for our Savior to return and now is that time in the embodiment of truth.
Rev. Dr. York 33
Abba Essa
Support my return to Liberia by supporting my beloved daughter Richelle.
(I didn't see any date on this letter either. My hardcopy didn't have it)
June 08, 2010
Why did these women went against Dr. York?
You mean the women on the Montel William Show?
Pauline Rogers
Sakina Parham - Nicole "Adah" Lopez
Well according to them is because they were sexually abused against their own will. I only know two of them personally. I don't know much about Pauline Rogers. But what I do know about Pauline Rogers is, she wanted child support from Dr. Malachi Z. York. But Dr. York went for custody of his children. and Apparently he won. Because during the raid her son was present while FBI and Police officers were pointing guns at the children of Tama-Re. Below is the video footage of her son.
This is Luqman Rogers. son of Pauline Rogers.
Why would she put her own son in danger? If she knew of the raid and investigation. Why didn't she use this to get her son out of there. Haven't she heard of "Waco Massacre" where FBI killed all those so called cult members. How about my recent post, Officer Weekley killed a little black girl during a drug raid, supposedly accidental. I mean these FBI and Police Officers carried along body bags. They were expecting the worst of the worst. As if Nuwaubians are known Thugs, or violent individuals. For God's sake! Nuwaubians, if anything, are Nerds! They peddle books!
I really don't want to bring this up. Maybe she's upset because her child was born with abnormalities. The same way Adah's mother, who also had a baby born with Abnormality. Coincidence? that's for the readers to decide.
Here's another coincidence. Did you know that Sakina Parham was put out of the land because she was accused of having an affair by an outside brother, who was at that time was training her on web design? And Husna, who also testified against Dr. Malachi Z. York, was also put out of the land because she was caught having an affair with Taharka. A brother who's mate is Shafiykah. Scandalous! I say Scandalous! Here's another fact. Abigail also known as the main witness against Dr. Malachi Z. York, was also accused of having an affair. The girl was caught in the laundry room talking to some guy. And when asked who she was talking to, her respond was her uncle. That's one of the reason why Abigail was put out. So the bottom line is Sakina Parham, Husna, and Abigail were all put out of the land because of their lack of loyalty and and uncontrolled hormones. and they retaliated.
And now they want to justify their action by accusing of Dr. Malachi Z. York of sexual abused. But we all know this is not about sexual abuse. Truth is Truth. The government use these women. And they were stupid enough to get use. On top of it all, Sakina, Adah, and Abigail gain immunity on all criminal charges by testifying against Dr. York. My question is "WHAT CHARGES?". What criminal charges they did admitted to? I feel that if you did something illegal, you ought to be responsible for it. And deserve the same type of punishment that Dr. Malachi Z. York received in this case.
Letter from Dr. Malachi Z. York
Although this letter was addressed to me, this portion is for all from En.Marduq.Gal.
He writes:
To The Children of the Anunna
Well though I wear a crown of stars and comets and word of the Galactic Empire. I was told it was un-Hallwed wrong knowledge that brought in the wrong Amber Light, the wrong time and fire from the heavens brough the wrong beings to earth the U.shum.Gal suffering to earthlings.
So I say this to you all.
Seek not to know the unknown, the unreal; for in that is to submit to SUEN. (Sin). Ask not to know of unseen, unreal for in that is to submit to SUEN. (Sin) Ask not how or why nor how much nor how many nor why me, why not her or him.
For in these is to submit to your sinful self. He or she who disturbs this order of the mysterious ways of Nibiru and the universe it's self, can become your enemy. Only seek what can be found. Study to learn, to safe guard that which is truth and above all, the way of the teacher for you can touch him and he is the path to all you seek the reality of the unknown being made known. No more secrets, no more faith, no more beliefs only facts.
The Right Knowledge, The Right Wisdom, The Right Overstandings, Wu-Nuwaubu. The unknowing people, the liars, the slanders cry peace but there is none nor will there be any peace. Those people cry let us just live on but for their sins they will be cursed, suffer, and even some die. There is no such thing as the truth being subjected to absolute defeat nor victory for the liars against the powers of the Anunnaqi.
With much Ashuq.
(I have no idea who was this letter sent to or the date. my hard copy doesn't contain it.)
He writes:
To The Children of the Anunna
Well though I wear a crown of stars and comets and word of the Galactic Empire. I was told it was un-Hallwed wrong knowledge that brought in the wrong Amber Light, the wrong time and fire from the heavens brough the wrong beings to earth the U.shum.Gal suffering to earthlings.
So I say this to you all.
Seek not to know the unknown, the unreal; for in that is to submit to SUEN. (Sin). Ask not to know of unseen, unreal for in that is to submit to SUEN. (Sin) Ask not how or why nor how much nor how many nor why me, why not her or him.
For in these is to submit to your sinful self. He or she who disturbs this order of the mysterious ways of Nibiru and the universe it's self, can become your enemy. Only seek what can be found. Study to learn, to safe guard that which is truth and above all, the way of the teacher for you can touch him and he is the path to all you seek the reality of the unknown being made known. No more secrets, no more faith, no more beliefs only facts.
The Right Knowledge, The Right Wisdom, The Right Overstandings, Wu-Nuwaubu. The unknowing people, the liars, the slanders cry peace but there is none nor will there be any peace. Those people cry let us just live on but for their sins they will be cursed, suffer, and even some die. There is no such thing as the truth being subjected to absolute defeat nor victory for the liars against the powers of the Anunnaqi.
With much Ashuq.
(I have no idea who was this letter sent to or the date. my hard copy doesn't contain it.)
June 07, 2010
Letter from Dr. Malachi Z. York on January 12, 2005
Jan 12, 2005
P.S. It's up to you to give ths letter to the office and brother Horris for all.
The All Is Eye Am.
Rahubaat my Brother RaHotep.
I will send this same letter to others. Well it comes a time when all who are blinded by their own glory fall in to it's light, and in doing so, they become blind as Peter did, as Abu Bakr did, as so many others.
Well my Brother, being your real heart is still in Islam and the N.O.I. (Nation of Islam) I will speak to you this way, in the Quran, Chapter 18, verse 60 (Al Khidr, written in arabic script) El-Khidr. You know the story. Well you my brother, like Muwsa, like Dauwd, like Isa and like many others, could not see the illumination from the enlightenment, or as they say, "You run in front of your own horse". These things are very simple and un-important to those who see how far we are in time.
Now first I will tell you as I have said in many of the letters, this is for Nuwaubians not Ansars, not NOI, not Hebrew Israelites, not Christians not Masonics. But for Nuwaubians. Not for new souls or incommers, but for those who sat with me long enough to know I don't make mistakes and if I say one thing and it appears to look like another; in time I will make it very clear to all, not for you to look good to those who see all of this in a true way.
Letters are still comign up each day but you could not wait could you? No. You started to doubt. There are many Jahovahs, and for you many Allahs, many Adonia, many Shaddai and many have taken these for their attributes. Now I was trying to clear up these misconceptions such as YA HUWA (hard "H") from YA HAYYU (soft "H") that is any and All living beings that exist can be (yahayyu and el hayyu written in arabic script) YAHAYYU and El Hayyu.
In Hebrew they mix up the letters you know as (arabic and hebrew letters "hey" and "khey" written here). As in sister Hawwah's name arabic puts (arabic "Hey") while Hebrew puts (hebrew "KH") a mix up. In the bible in Arabic Nakhas of Gen 3:1 (al hayyat written in arabic) EL
P.S. It's up to you to give ths letter to the office and brother Horris for all.
The All Is Eye Am.
Rahubaat my Brother RaHotep.
I will send this same letter to others. Well it comes a time when all who are blinded by their own glory fall in to it's light, and in doing so, they become blind as Peter did, as Abu Bakr did, as so many others.
Well my Brother, being your real heart is still in Islam and the N.O.I. (Nation of Islam) I will speak to you this way, in the Quran, Chapter 18, verse 60 (Al Khidr, written in arabic script) El-Khidr. You know the story. Well you my brother, like Muwsa, like Dauwd, like Isa and like many others, could not see the illumination from the enlightenment, or as they say, "You run in front of your own horse". These things are very simple and un-important to those who see how far we are in time.
Now first I will tell you as I have said in many of the letters, this is for Nuwaubians not Ansars, not NOI, not Hebrew Israelites, not Christians not Masonics. But for Nuwaubians. Not for new souls or incommers, but for those who sat with me long enough to know I don't make mistakes and if I say one thing and it appears to look like another; in time I will make it very clear to all, not for you to look good to those who see all of this in a true way.
Letters are still comign up each day but you could not wait could you? No. You started to doubt. There are many Jahovahs, and for you many Allahs, many Adonia, many Shaddai and many have taken these for their attributes. Now I was trying to clear up these misconceptions such as YA HUWA (hard "H") from YA HAYYU (soft "H") that is any and All living beings that exist can be (yahayyu and el hayyu written in arabic script) YAHAYYU and El Hayyu.
In Hebrew they mix up the letters you know as (arabic and hebrew letters "hey" and "khey" written here). As in sister Hawwah's name arabic puts (arabic "Hey") while Hebrew puts (hebrew "KH") a mix up. In the bible in Arabic Nakhas of Gen 3:1 (al hayyat written in arabic) EL
(sorry but I can't find the 2nd page to this letter and when I do I will post it. And if you have it, please share it with the world and help remove all of the mis information. Email it to aeoebookstore@gmail.com)
June 06, 2010
Officer Joseph Weekley killed a little black girl.
Officer Joseph Weekley
Officer Joseph Weekley, a member of the Detroit Police Special Response Team who was placed on a desk job after his gun discharged during a raid Sunday, resulting in the death of young Aiyana Jones.
That's how the media plays with word game. Instead of saying that "Officer Joseph Weekley shot and killed a little girl who was sleeping on the couch during a raid", they use words like "gun discharged".
Seriously? Seriously!!! and the result in the death of young Aiyana Jones is, the officer gets a desk job. Yep, but the real result in Aiyana Jones death, is she's dead! Where's the apology from officer? Wheres the sympathy? Where's the media. Yahoo.com would rather include in their home page a research result about Flip Flops than this great tragedy. That's white folks for you! and America!
read more about story click here
June 05, 2010
Letter from Dr. Malachi Z. York on July 24, 2007
Make sure Nefu,
Naasir-Robi Dion get a copy
Amun-Nubi-RE-Ankh-Ptah 720
H.E. Dr. Malachi Z. York
Well well well SA Neb-Nawur-Atum-RE yes its me once again I come before you to do what I incarnated to do so I will do my Best to keep all on the Ptah once re-turned TAO the right overstanding WU-NUWAUPU. Well once the evil ruler of the 15th dynasty who was a Hykosos called for good reason Apophis and his mixed Hebrew rulers of the 16th dynasty by the time it came to the 17th dynasty which had 15 Theban rulers all Nuwaupian "Seqenen-RE" TAO I, TAO II then on to KA-MOSE, we move to the 18th dynasty of AH-MOSE then Amun-Hotep I Tuthmosis I Tuth Mosis II to teh great female ruler Hat-Shep-Sut from her 10 rulers the 21st dynasty had 7 rulers the 22nd dynasty had 10 rulers 23rd dynasty had 1 ruler and the 24th dynasty had 1 ruler. The 25th dynasty is where this walk takes us SUN. Ruler KASHTA father of PI-ANKY and SHABAKA. And PI-ANKY was father of SHABATAKA and TAHARKA or TAHARKO. You see standing between the paws of PAA-RUTI "the sphinx". And his brother SHABATAKA was the father of TA-NUT-AMUN, who are these great people they were called by many different names. Nubians, Cushites, Put, Sudanese, Ethiopian the name PI-ANKH-Y the living two or ruler of the two lands master of two lands Misr "Egypt" and Kush "Ethiopia". They called them Hamites or Khami, Kemet. As well and TAMARY from TA-MA-RE the place called Adbassa, also know as PUT or Modern day Southern Sudan and we called our selves ADBASSA, Our land began with the first cataract on the Nile.
The Nile is about 4,145 miles long and flows from the so called lake Victoria that's what John Hanning speke called it in 1858 it was called MWANZA flowing up to UGANDA through the Sudan on to TAMA-RE Egypt meets at TUTI then flows on up to Gihon Giza breaks in to 4 rivers to the left Pison Sals to the right TANIS. On into the Mediterranean Sea on up to become two other rivers which flow back down to become the Hiddekel to Sumeria, and to become Euphrates. Yes sun the four rivers flowed out of Ganawa. TAMARE for their Bible and Quranic stories the original people of HUT-KA-PTAH, Nuwaupia called NAPATA and Meroe or NUWAUPIAN Moors, called the Meroitic era and the NAPATAN era. The Nuwaupic language was called the NAPATA tongue and Merotic tongue was Kushite tongue which became Geez, Amharic, Aramic, Syritia Hebrew, Chaldean, Akkadian, Arabic, Nabation.
So you will see which look like Arabic or Hebrew Children tongues of Akkadian and Chaldean in Nuwaupic because they all came from NAPATA or Nuwaupic. Today also Butana was known as Put, or the land of the ADBASSA people the Latin speaking Italians changed it to Abyssinia or sons of Mbog BASSA, who were Shabaka, Shabataka, and Taharko builder of 19 temples with two great ones at Jabel Barkal and NAPATA. The BASSA people of Liberia get their name from BAH-SOOH who succeeded SUAHNUHENEH BAS or BA from Egiptian BAA-BA sprit being, personality. Divine father BA BA, and SOOH which means Rock or Stone. BASSA from two words BAH-SOOHH father SOOH or stone. As you see our name too many changes as we lost our power and was mis-placed invaded, ruled.
Well sun there is so much more about us as a people, we put it down to accept less. We now follow others. We are not all. Hebrew, Israelites, Ishmaelite. We and not Asiatic, we are not Blackman, we are not Muslims, or Moslems, we are not Moabites, or Canaanites. We are not Yoruba, none of the ISM's are ours yet they all come from us. As did the Hebrews, Muslims, Christians, Yoruba, all come from HUT-KA-PTAH. "Egypt". All the faiths of this world had to come from where the word of humans began. Is that not so son?
Well all has agree that life as they know it did not start in China, No! Nor India No! Nor in America No! Nor in Alaska No! Nor in Europe No! but in fact all life on this planet had it roots out of Africa which they called it to mean Divide/Separate, they knew back then. As you see today with the name game. Separate us, and we fall apart. Look at our own Nuwaupian family, it worked on us. We put TAMA-RE aside, we took off our dress, put down our books, became other then self. Look at us clowns. Replace Black book for Robert's rules took off black fez for top hat, Closed Mir's became houses, new bible names or shrines under cover Ansar Muslims, Separated us. Who came to save us. AD-BASSA of Libera that's who. Who is working on my freedom Libera. Well son as you can see, my hand and my eyes hurt so I will end this walk with you and all the family at this point.
Anuki Fi Paa A'shug Shil Paa-Paut Wa Kull A'shug Kalun Fi-Nee.
I am in the love of ALL and all love is in me.
Hope o hear from you soon. Tell my daughter Richelle I am still with her all the way I trusted her. I still trust her to do the job and do it right pick her head up. Her father is not a fool. I know ice cream with bones, as well as dry water, Jell-o with skin. She will overstand me.
We are not the Sudanese today who are mixed seed of indo-Arabs. We are not the Ethiopian today who are mixed seed of Canaanite- Israelites. We are Not the Nubians today who are also-mixed with Greek Romans.
I can't keep feeding you if you don't send back typed out clear when i sent to each of you. I loose my way, along the way and repeat my self too old sun.
ka Tur ASHg sa
Much Love Son
Naasir-Robi Dion get a copy
Amun-Nubi-RE-Ankh-Ptah 720
H.E. Dr. Malachi Z. York
Well well well SA Neb-Nawur-Atum-RE yes its me once again I come before you to do what I incarnated to do so I will do my Best to keep all on the Ptah once re-turned TAO the right overstanding WU-NUWAUPU. Well once the evil ruler of the 15th dynasty who was a Hykosos called for good reason Apophis and his mixed Hebrew rulers of the 16th dynasty by the time it came to the 17th dynasty which had 15 Theban rulers all Nuwaupian "Seqenen-RE" TAO I, TAO II then on to KA-MOSE, we move to the 18th dynasty of AH-MOSE then Amun-Hotep I Tuthmosis I Tuth Mosis II to teh great female ruler Hat-Shep-Sut from her 10 rulers the 21st dynasty had 7 rulers the 22nd dynasty had 10 rulers 23rd dynasty had 1 ruler and the 24th dynasty had 1 ruler. The 25th dynasty is where this walk takes us SUN. Ruler KASHTA father of PI-ANKY and SHABAKA. And PI-ANKY was father of SHABATAKA and TAHARKA or TAHARKO. You see standing between the paws of PAA-RUTI "the sphinx". And his brother SHABATAKA was the father of TA-NUT-AMUN, who are these great people they were called by many different names. Nubians, Cushites, Put, Sudanese, Ethiopian the name PI-ANKH-Y the living two or ruler of the two lands master of two lands Misr "Egypt" and Kush "Ethiopia". They called them Hamites or Khami, Kemet. As well and TAMARY from TA-MA-RE the place called Adbassa, also know as PUT or Modern day Southern Sudan and we called our selves ADBASSA, Our land began with the first cataract on the Nile.
The Nile is about 4,145 miles long and flows from the so called lake Victoria that's what John Hanning speke called it in 1858 it was called MWANZA flowing up to UGANDA through the Sudan on to TAMA-RE Egypt meets at TUTI then flows on up to Gihon Giza breaks in to 4 rivers to the left Pison Sals to the right TANIS. On into the Mediterranean Sea on up to become two other rivers which flow back down to become the Hiddekel to Sumeria, and to become Euphrates. Yes sun the four rivers flowed out of Ganawa. TAMARE for their Bible and Quranic stories the original people of HUT-KA-PTAH, Nuwaupia called NAPATA and Meroe or NUWAUPIAN Moors, called the Meroitic era and the NAPATAN era. The Nuwaupic language was called the NAPATA tongue and Merotic tongue was Kushite tongue which became Geez, Amharic, Aramic, Syritia Hebrew, Chaldean, Akkadian, Arabic, Nabation.
So you will see which look like Arabic or Hebrew Children tongues of Akkadian and Chaldean in Nuwaupic because they all came from NAPATA or Nuwaupic. Today also Butana was known as Put, or the land of the ADBASSA people the Latin speaking Italians changed it to Abyssinia or sons of Mbog BASSA, who were Shabaka, Shabataka, and Taharko builder of 19 temples with two great ones at Jabel Barkal and NAPATA. The BASSA people of Liberia get their name from BAH-SOOH who succeeded SUAHNUHENEH BAS or BA from Egiptian BAA-BA sprit being, personality. Divine father BA BA, and SOOH which means Rock or Stone. BASSA from two words BAH-SOOHH father SOOH or stone. As you see our name too many changes as we lost our power and was mis-placed invaded, ruled.
Well sun there is so much more about us as a people, we put it down to accept less. We now follow others. We are not all. Hebrew, Israelites, Ishmaelite. We and not Asiatic, we are not Blackman, we are not Muslims, or Moslems, we are not Moabites, or Canaanites. We are not Yoruba, none of the ISM's are ours yet they all come from us. As did the Hebrews, Muslims, Christians, Yoruba, all come from HUT-KA-PTAH. "Egypt". All the faiths of this world had to come from where the word of humans began. Is that not so son?
Well all has agree that life as they know it did not start in China, No! Nor India No! Nor in America No! Nor in Alaska No! Nor in Europe No! but in fact all life on this planet had it roots out of Africa which they called it to mean Divide/Separate, they knew back then. As you see today with the name game. Separate us, and we fall apart. Look at our own Nuwaupian family, it worked on us. We put TAMA-RE aside, we took off our dress, put down our books, became other then self. Look at us clowns. Replace Black book for Robert's rules took off black fez for top hat, Closed Mir's became houses, new bible names or shrines under cover Ansar Muslims, Separated us. Who came to save us. AD-BASSA of Libera that's who. Who is working on my freedom Libera. Well son as you can see, my hand and my eyes hurt so I will end this walk with you and all the family at this point.
Anuki Fi Paa A'shug Shil Paa-Paut Wa Kull A'shug Kalun Fi-Nee.
I am in the love of ALL and all love is in me.
Hope o hear from you soon. Tell my daughter Richelle I am still with her all the way I trusted her. I still trust her to do the job and do it right pick her head up. Her father is not a fool. I know ice cream with bones, as well as dry water, Jell-o with skin. She will overstand me.
We are not the Sudanese today who are mixed seed of indo-Arabs. We are not the Ethiopian today who are mixed seed of Canaanite- Israelites. We are Not the Nubians today who are also-mixed with Greek Romans.
I can't keep feeding you if you don't send back typed out clear when i sent to each of you. I loose my way, along the way and repeat my self too old sun.
ka Tur ASHg sa
Much Love Son
June 04, 2010
A Letter from Dr. Malachi Z. York in July 25, 2007
Give my true love to all let my daughter Richelle know I love and miss her.
NNraa?baat, NEB-NAWUR-ATUM-RE. It's on well well well time for our walk again sun. Our past, The Bassa (Dei, Bassa, Kru, Krah, Grebo) also referred to as KWA-speakers can trace their historical origins as far dwon as Mozambique in pre-dynastic times, over time they migrated up through Ethiopia (Adbassa-Adbassania-Abyssinia) and established empeies in conjunction with other ethnic groups in the area (Kush, Axum, Meroe). The 25th dynasty leaders of HUT-KA-PTAH or KHAMIT, KEMET, EGIPT TA-HAR QU, TAHARKO-XA BAKO and XE-BIKO were BASSA. Their fall from power in KHAMIT would cause a retreat toward central AFRICA towards the lake CHAD Region led by Mbem son of Soye, where the empire of Rifum, Koroafa and Adbassa were established in succession. Adbassa would last three centuries along side the Bornu, Hausa, and Yoruba kingdoms. The fall of Adbassa would split the massive Bassa group into many groups sending some to the Kasai Congo (Bassa-La-Mpasu). Togo (Bassa'r), Senegal, Sierra-Leone, Guinea (Bassa-Ri) Nigeria (Bassa-Nge), Cameroon (Bassa) and Liberia (Dei, Bassa, Kur, Krahn, Grebo). The Liberian group was led by Hanak (Hana bo) son of Wenang, the Mano ethnic group of Liberia called the Bassa, Manidyu, meaning the tribe that dries up rivers when they cross. This Bassa group would split into multiple separate ethnic groups in Liberia and cote d'lvoire (Bete, Kru) when they arrived. As you see sun we moved all over what is now called Africa. Many outsiders have come in and mixed their seeds into ours and now claim to be Africans, or Egiptians or Marrocans, or Ethiopians, they invaded from outside of Africa. Now these outsiders rule our lands spread the religion from outside of Africa. Like Islam, Christianity and Judaism. That is many forms of Mosesism, Jesusism, Mohammadism. All of which got their teachings, lifestyle and religions from us. As from the 18th dynasty from Akhen-Atun, who taught them the name Atun changed to Aten then Aton then on to Adon to Adonia strongs No# 136 (Arabic script) Ad-O-Noy Lord my Lory from #113 Arabic script Adown controller, Sovereign Master, owner so they took Atun changed it to existing one, living being on to Yahweh then Yahuwah on to Jehovah. All their so-called Gods comes from Egipt. They moved in amongst us, steal our way of life changed the names then fed it back to us to blind us with faith, beliefs, spookism, ghost worship. Now look at our people in Churches, Mosque, Temples worshipping their image as prophets, look like their messiah look like them, Mahdis look like them, Christ look like them, leadership looks like them, and so on. Look at N.O.I. Allah, Messiah, Mahdi, Master look like them. Well sun that's it for now our walk today must end sit down and rest until I hear from you on all this. I do hope it helps Nuwaupians to see we don't need their spookism it don't work for us. Ghostism, Steam, Vapor, Smoke.
wadH wa hotep
baa baa
NNraa?baat, NEB-NAWUR-ATUM-RE. It's on well well well time for our walk again sun. Our past, The Bassa (Dei, Bassa, Kru, Krah, Grebo) also referred to as KWA-speakers can trace their historical origins as far dwon as Mozambique in pre-dynastic times, over time they migrated up through Ethiopia (Adbassa-Adbassania-Abyssinia) and established empeies in conjunction with other ethnic groups in the area (Kush, Axum, Meroe). The 25th dynasty leaders of HUT-KA-PTAH or KHAMIT, KEMET, EGIPT TA-HAR QU, TAHARKO-XA BAKO and XE-BIKO were BASSA. Their fall from power in KHAMIT would cause a retreat toward central AFRICA towards the lake CHAD Region led by Mbem son of Soye, where the empire of Rifum, Koroafa and Adbassa were established in succession. Adbassa would last three centuries along side the Bornu, Hausa, and Yoruba kingdoms. The fall of Adbassa would split the massive Bassa group into many groups sending some to the Kasai Congo (Bassa-La-Mpasu). Togo (Bassa'r), Senegal, Sierra-Leone, Guinea (Bassa-Ri) Nigeria (Bassa-Nge), Cameroon (Bassa) and Liberia (Dei, Bassa, Kur, Krahn, Grebo). The Liberian group was led by Hanak (Hana bo) son of Wenang, the Mano ethnic group of Liberia called the Bassa, Manidyu, meaning the tribe that dries up rivers when they cross. This Bassa group would split into multiple separate ethnic groups in Liberia and cote d'lvoire (Bete, Kru) when they arrived. As you see sun we moved all over what is now called Africa. Many outsiders have come in and mixed their seeds into ours and now claim to be Africans, or Egiptians or Marrocans, or Ethiopians, they invaded from outside of Africa. Now these outsiders rule our lands spread the religion from outside of Africa. Like Islam, Christianity and Judaism. That is many forms of Mosesism, Jesusism, Mohammadism. All of which got their teachings, lifestyle and religions from us. As from the 18th dynasty from Akhen-Atun, who taught them the name Atun changed to Aten then Aton then on to Adon to Adonia strongs No# 136 (Arabic script) Ad-O-Noy Lord my Lory from #113 Arabic script Adown controller, Sovereign Master, owner so they took Atun changed it to existing one, living being on to Yahweh then Yahuwah on to Jehovah. All their so-called Gods comes from Egipt. They moved in amongst us, steal our way of life changed the names then fed it back to us to blind us with faith, beliefs, spookism, ghost worship. Now look at our people in Churches, Mosque, Temples worshipping their image as prophets, look like their messiah look like them, Mahdis look like them, Christ look like them, leadership looks like them, and so on. Look at N.O.I. Allah, Messiah, Mahdi, Master look like them. Well sun that's it for now our walk today must end sit down and rest until I hear from you on all this. I do hope it helps Nuwaupians to see we don't need their spookism it don't work for us. Ghostism, Steam, Vapor, Smoke.
wadH wa hotep
baa baa
June 01, 2010
Phthalate causes regression?
According to CBS 60 Minutes U.S. Congress band Phthalate from toys after the researcher Dr. Swan stated that several baby boys suttle ways less completely masculine. "What the Fudge!" Did you get that. So this female scientist is saying that Phthalate which is a chemical added to plastic to make it more flexible, makes baby boys gay? Was that right?
According to the video above, after watching it only once, there was a research done using rodents and found out that phthalate disrupt hormones activities, causes deform sex organs, low testosterone levels,
low sperm counts, hypho spadious and etc...
Well according to Dr. Malachi Z. York. Just get out of their way and nature will do the rest. This is definitely another SIGNS OF TIME. They are having a hard time reproducing and now their baby boys are becoming less masculine?
Sinkholes in Guatemala City
Signs of Time
They say the cause of this massive sinkhole in Guatemala city is cause by the tropical storm "Agatha".
Humans always put the blame on something or someone else other than themselves. The news states that many are dead due to the storm and mud slides. As you can tell from the images below, Guatemalans is a poor city. and the city lacks nature's presence. Humans continue to abused Earth's natural resources. Haven't the world learnt anything from the Philippine mudslides which killed many Filipinos and destroyed anything on its path. The Filipinos were warned. They were told to stop cutting their trees. Because their trees will hold the water and stop the mud slides. And ignoring this caused catastrophe. And now again we see it in Guatemala city. And worst. A massive sinkhole. There are no reports that the sinkhole swallowed anything up such as people or properties just yet. But as you can see in the pictures, there was definitely something there before. I guess we will soon learn soon.

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