July 27, 2009


Marcus Garvey (HWON) believed when all other things failed, conditions would bring a people together. The millions of Nubians whom the Universal Negro Improvement Association was said to represent internationally is definitely proof of this statement.


The stage that Marcus Garvey (HWON) was to enter in America was being set before he was born. During the early 19th century, blacks who thought they were "free" were advocating the abolishment of slavery and their own version of "back to Africa" movements. The most prominent of these men is:

MARTIN DELANY doctor, journalist and black nationalist.
Martin Delany founded the first black newspaper outside the eastern sea board called THE MYSTERY in 1847 A.D. After its fold a year later he became co-editor with Frederick Douglas of THE STAR newspaper in New York. He is best known for writing the book THE CONDITION, ELEVATION, EMIGRATION AND DESTINY OF THE COLORED PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, POLITICALLY CONSIDERED, which was the first full-length publication on black nationalism. It covered the achievements of black men and women and the inconsistensy of abolitionist to fight for the slaves integration into American society.
He advocated that blacks emigrate as a solution to discrimination. Delaney stated, "We are a nation within a nation... We must go from our oppressors." His solution was emigration to Central or South America or as another alternative, to Africa. In 1859 A.D., Martin Delaney went to Africa to travel for nine months in the Niger Valley and Liberia. In Abbeokuta (in present day Nigeria) the king signed a treaty allowing Nubians in America the right to establish a self-governing colony there.

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