January 31, 2011

Newspaper Clipping for February 7th 2002

The Eatonton Messenger
Final Nuwaubian Hearing set for Friday

You can actually click each image and view a larger image.  Good enough to read the articles.  They are 900 pixels in width.  And since I'm sharing my clippings, hopefully you would share me yours. I don't scan my newspaper clippings, I take digital picture.  Because some of the newspaper clippings are so large, they won't fit on my scanner.  Anyway if you would like to share me yours, I will post them on this site for everyone to view.  

May 5th 2000 Newspaper Clipping about Wesley Snipes

Putnam denies building permits for actor Wesley Snipes
by Macon Telegraph
May 5th, 2000
by Rob Peecher

You can actually click each image and view a larger image.  Good enough to read the articles.  They are 900 pixels in width.  And since I'm sharing my clippings, hopefully you would share me yours. I don't scan my newspaper clippings, I take digital picture.  Because some of the newspaper clippings are just too large, they won't fit on my scanner.  Anyway if you would like to share me yours, I will post them on this site for everyone to view.  

July 3rd, 1997 Newspaper clipping

This is a newspaper clipping:

Thousands attend fraternal gathering
Four-day event geared for the family
by Roger Dotson
Messenger News Editor
from The Eatonton Messenger

You can actually click each image and view a larger image.  Good enough to read the articles.  They are 900 pixels in width.  And since I'm sharing my clippings, hopefully you would share me yours. I don't scan my newspaper clippings, I take digital picture.  Because some of the newspaper clippings are so large, they won't fit on my scanner.  Anyway if you would like to share me yours, I will post them on this site for everyone to view.  

January 24, 2011

Who is Lilith?

Ans:  According to Hebrew folklore she existed before Kadmon, Zakar, Adam (ADABA) and Nekaybaw, Hawaa, Eve (TI.TI) and in semitic legend Lilith is an evil female spirit said to hunt in deserted places and attacks children.  She is the Queen mother of the Luciferians and a high priestess of the Upper hierarchy.  Her names are listed below with her male counterpart:

1  Lilith     -     Lucifer (Isa.14:12)
2  Laylat     -     Lucis (Isa. 14:12)
3  Lili     -     Moon     -  Lucus (Isa.14:12)
4  Litutu     -     Luna     -     Lux
5  Lillette     -     Lus
6  Laylah     -     Lust = Luster

Even the name Elizabeth is Lillibet.  The present British Queen is called Queen Bee Elizabeth or El-Lizard-birth.  She is the major reptilian gene carrier;  Blue Blood - Cold Blooded, reptiles.  Satan or Shaytan.

~  The above is an excerpt from the book entitled "Is Jesus God?" by Dr. Malachi Z. York.  Do you think its a coincidence that the person so called in charge now in the nation is name Elizabeth Westbrook, aka Nefu Amun Hotep.  Pay attention to their name.  The other sister thats her right hand girl, her name Dana Dixon.  Pay attention to their names.  They have also erected the brotherhood of Seti, the Setians, and their so called security is the Paa Madjuyu which their logo consists of a fly.  

Figure 1, Paa Madjuyu logo
their website is www.paamadjuyu.com 

Our nation has been taken over the disagreeable beings.  They better wake up and change their ways and remember what Dr. Malachi Z. York has taught us.  Don't be fooled.  No one can't tell you anything that Dr. York has not answered in his books.  Read his books for yourselves.

If you know anything about the fly, is a symbolic of Beelzebub, the devil.  

Brother Danny just passed.

Brother Danny is the 2nd victim of car accidents that I know happened in the family.  Except for the people that perish in Sakina Mt Vernon's car accidents.  I didn't know them but the Nation also morned for their passing.  May Peace and Blessings Be Upon brother Danny.  I couldn't possibly imagine the sorrow that he's Umi feels, the experiences of loosing two sons.  A mother should never have to bury her children.

I'm gonna go through my archives of photos to see if I can find some of he's photos.

But what I do re-collect of brother Danny, was he was a tropper for Dr. Malachi Z. York.  He loved the doctrine and stayed true to it.  He was Doc's mechanic and was proud of it and did his work without selfishness.  He was kind hearted and truly believed in the Nuwaubian's caused.

May the Most High receives him with open arms.

January 23, 2011

More Newspaper Clippings submitted by readers

York Supporters says tape proves he's innocent

York sentence to 135 years

York trial could create a circus

Judge Bans Public from York's trial

More Newspaper Clippings

I would like to thank the sister Haniyya for emailing me these articles.  And anybody wants to share their article or newspaper clippings, email them to me at aeoebookstore@gmail.com  These newspaper clippings are records of what took place regarding Dr. Malachi Z. York's case.  and can be very helpful tools and research materials for anyone working for the FREEDOM of Dr. York.

click each newspaper clipping to view a larger image.


Jury to resume deliberations in York case

Malachi York in Putnam County:  From arrival to arrest and conviction

York pleads guilty to federal charges
Nuwaubian leader gets 15 years; hearing on state charges today

York's lawyer asks for new judge

York admits abusing 13

What future holds for Nuwaubians

Nuwaubians defend York

American Indians plans to protest York's claim to be chief of Yamassee

Newspaper Clippings about Dr. York's legal case

 I added these newspaper clippings for anyone who would like to collect them, like I do.  And if you would be so kind to share yours, email me your copy at aeoebookstore@gmail.com and I'll post them here on my blog.  I think these newspaper clippings are a great tools and help for anyone who is doing research or working on Dr. Malachi York's legal case or freedom.  I had made sure that I scanned them in high resolution and posted them over 900 pixels wide, so when you click each image, you are able to view a larger image for better viewing.

Supporters of York demands $1 Billion

Jury finds York guilty

Evil Unmasked

Future of York's loyalists unclear

Judge:  York changed his plea

Newspaper, Newsarticle Clippings

Newspaper Clippings 

 Sect Leader York's trial still will likely be in Covington, Georgia

Judge Denies New Trial for York

Judge leaves compound in Nuwaubian's control - for now

Judge recuses himself from York's trial

Civil suit filed against York.

York's financial empire in limbo

Malachi York maybe crazy, but like a fox.  
York's main wife guilty.

I added these newspaper clippings for anyone who would like to collect them, like I do.  And if you would be so kind to share yours, email me your copy at aeoebookstore@gmail.com and I'll post them here on my blog.  I think these newspaper clippings are a great tools and help for anyone who is doing research or working on Dr. Malachi York's legal case or freedom.  I had made sure that I scanned them in high resolution and posted them over 900 pixels wide, so when you click each image, you are able to view a larger image for better viewing.

Attorney Adrian Patrick says Judge Ashely Royal is Biased!

I thought this was a pretty good report on how Judge C. Ashley Royal was soooo biased.  If you ever had a chance to read any of the pre-trial minutes, you will surely see exactly how biased and one sided Judge C. Ashley Royal was when it came to Dr. Malachi Z. York's child molestation case.    But what's more interest about this article is, it clearly shows how Adrian Patrick really had the balls and the nerve to go up against this crooked judge and his crew.  Attorney Adrian Patrick is straight up a warrior.  As the article begins:

"BRUNSWICK - Fireworks erupted Friday in the federal child molestation trial of cult leader Malachi York when his defense attorney angrily accused the judge of bias for the prosecution and asked that he remove himself from the case.  ..."

according to the article Attorney Adrian Patrick accused the judge of making "IMPROPER SUGGESTIONS"  to assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Moultrie.  Read the pre-trials minutes and you will see more "IMPROPER SUGGESTIONS" made by Judge C. Ashely Royal.  But I really have to give two thumbs up to Adrian Patrick.  Not only did he had the balls to fight these tamahus, they under estimated his intelligence.  Attorney Adrian Patrick was only given six days to prepare for trials because he was denied of continuance.  and was forced unwanted assistance of Attorney Manny aurora from the Garland Firm by Judge C. Ashely Royal.

That's 6 days.  Attorney Adrian Patrick was only give 6 days to prepare for a federal RICO trial but was heavily promoted as a CHILD MOLESTATION case.

Back to Africa? No!


We overstand the Black Thang and we got into the Nubian movies and the Black Revolutionary thing, but what has it really done for us?  Better yet, what is it doing for us now?  Was it just to open our eyes?  And now that our eyes are opened, what do we do about our situation?  Because we still have people setting up lectures and preaching; and they're not saying anything we don't already know.  We have other so-called Nubian organizations who aren't doing anything for the Black Thang, either:  We got the Black Madonna Organization in Georgia, we the NAACP, CORE, PUSH, SCLC, now we go the Nubian Activist Dr. Falani, and Reverend Sharpton.  Even Sonny Carson is still out there preaching.  We got all these people preaching such as Reverend Frederick Price, Bishop Charles E. Blake, Minister L. Craig Hays, Dr. Benjamin Reid, John Cherry, Pastor Robert Wilks, Dr. Joseph Ripley, and Dr. Edward Haygood and so on.


Now that we got all that package what do we do about it?  We had a revolution in the 60's and we lost; we attempted another revolution after they beat up Rodney Kiing and made a spectacle of it, we lost again.  We can't go back to Africa because they made it desolate.  So let down the Red, Black and Green flag; and forget about "going back to Africa".  They made it desolate and they saturated it with more AIDS than any other place on the planet.  So we have no place to go, but I'll tell you one thing, we're not following no pale albino man anymore.  NO more white Jesus or half white human gods; not, not anymore.

the above is an excerpt from "THE TRUTH" Bulletin on page 21 authored  by Dr. Malachi Z. York published in 1993.

January 22, 2011

Are we ready for what is about to take place?

Even though it may not seems like it... I think we had ample amount of time to prepare for whats inevitable.  Dr. Malachi Z. York have been warning us about what awaits billions of people.  Well it seems like the ones who can, are leaving.  If you had a chance to check out the news lately... There have been numerous amount of rocket ships leaving the planet.  And some are considered top-secrets.  There are some links for you to check out.

    As if they are really going to tell the reason why they are leaving.  Remember what Dr. York have been telling us for many years.  They are gonna try to under first... and then they are going to try to go out of space.  Well.... another prophecy fulfilled by Dr. Malachi Z. York.  How prepared are we.  And is preparation even going to help us.  I know one thing... Where's NIBIRU?  If you're not planning on boarding Nibiru... I hope you are prepared for what is to take place.  Major events are happening... Did you see what happened to Australia?  100,000 people perish.  Did you hear about the birds, the fish in the sea?  Its happening all around us.  Did you hear about the recent shifts in the magnetic poles?  They had to postpone rockets from take off due the the shifting of the magnetic poles.  Signs of times.  Again are we prepared as a community?

    Got to get my emergency kit and dome house.

    January 14, 2011

    The Messiah Story

    During a visit from a client of mine today, she mentioned a documentary regarding the Secret Service Organization.  Which triggered a story that Dr. Malachi Z. York once told us women in a van.  Dr. York, often take the women out to eat.  And one day we were having conversation about his book entitled "The Gold Diggers."  If you haven't had a chance to read this book, get your hands on a copy and read it for yourself.  It is a very good book to read, especially for us women.  But anyway he told us of a story, the goes...

    The U.S. Secret Service wanted to control the world or save the world problems.  And they came up with a solution.  The solution is to take seven children from different countries and to raise them in a secured and hidden location.  And that the chosen child will be used as the long awaited Messiah, that the world has been waiting for for.  The Secret Service was going to use the latest technology to make it seems like this so called "Messiah" that they created and raised and control, would appear to perform miracles.  Using the technology to trick the world that this Messiah is the chosen one, The Secret Service will be able to control the world.

    These children will be raised and heavily educated in every form of education.  They will be taught science, religions, politics, etc.  They will also be taught several different languages, martials and all.  But as time pass by one of the children shows very good signs.  For this one particular boy seems to pick up lessons a lot faster and better than the other children.  The Secret Service made their decision on who out of these 7 children is going to be their Messiah.

    But as they prepare for the stage for the "Messiah", and all eyes on him, the television network, and people around the world watches and waiting for his arrival and entrance.  The Messiah walked on the stage, levitated in front of millions.  The Secret Service was confused, because they didn't expect this act to happened.  and as the Messiah turned to them and spoke... he said "Thank You for Making my Job Easier."

    January 11, 2011


    As Nuwaubians, we all must strive to stay away from negativity and negative people.  I received a call from a Sista today, whom I haven't heard from a while.  She's an Ansaar.  You would think Ansaars would be or should be more wiser than many of us, for the simple reason of, they have been with Dr. York a lot longer than many of us.  I entered the doctrine during the period of Right Knowledge.

    Anyway, everytime I hear from her, she always have something negative to say about the administration, and other Nuwaubian family members.  And this time she even talked about the brotherhood, how they are all gays and she talked about Hagar and the situation with her daughter and brother Shahud, which I'm not going to dwell in because I really don't know the facts.

    I usually don't entertain her but I just felt like I just had to say something to shut her up and nipped it on the bud this time.  I told her that Nuwaubu, has so much more to offer.  Although Nuwaubians are undergoing a major change and tribulations, as a Nuwaubians, you shouldn't reflect on the negativity.  Because I for one, I can remember more good times than bad.  I can remember more good people than bad.

    I remember the times when we (Florida Tabernacle) drove in packs to visit Tama-Re.  I remember the open hearted Nuwaubian family members  who opened their doors in Eatonton GA and allowed us to rest in their house prior to entering Tama-Re, which was brother Kawi (who passed during 2000 Ball) and his wife.

    I remember Savior's Week, where you saw nothing but love and smiles.  We should all focus on the good things and good memories and make more good times and good memories.

    I hear so many Nuwaubians now saying that "Oh I'm NOT with those people anymore." or "I'm NOT a Nuwaubian, Nuwaupian, or whatever."   I refer to these people as Peter-ites.  Just as Peter denied Jesus while he was being persecuted.  A lot of these so called Peter-ites all once wore proudly their fezes, tarbushes, and Nuwaubians Tshirts, propigating Nuwaubian doctrines and now that the white man has "corrupted" the term Nuwaubian, you don't want to associate with it anymore.  Even Haru-Hotep, one of Dr. York triad member, you can hear him in his many lectures, saying that, we don't call our selves Nuwaubians because of such and such ..., another Peter-ites.

    As Dr. York once said that the amount of people that are going to be with him in the end will fit in a station wagon.

    Don't let the media define who you are.  You are Nuwaubian, and be proud of it!  For there are no other group of people in this world have a doctrine so powerful that it touches the minds and hearts of people around the world.  "Ye are gods and children of the Most High."

    Sayings of Dr. Malachi Z. York

    Excerpt from Dr. Malachi Z. York's book  entitled "Sayings of Dr. Malachi Z. York"

    164.  Land is a gift from El Eloh to woman; and the sea to man; and the air they both share, but the heavens will always remain his.  So how we act while using the air and the land and the sea, will determine if he'll ever give us the gift of the heavens."  

    I wanted to share the passage above to everyone.  I thought it was a good one, for it touch me and cause to change my habits when it comes to our mother Earth.  Humans continue to live day to day and many not caring the conditions of the earth.  Birds are dropping dead and the fish of the oceans.  Aren't these enough signs to show that we must do more to take care of our beloved mother nature.  Nuwaubians must all take part of recycling, and other ways to show that we care about our planet.  How are we to make it Nibiru, if we dont' do nothing about the conditions of our world.

    Hubble telescope zeroes in on green blob in space

    (Note:  I remember Dr. York explaining the green light is the force of creation.  Now here's the proof)

    By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer
    Mon Jan 10, 9:22 pm ET

    WASHINGTON – The Hubble Space Telescope got its first peek at a mysterious giant green blob in outer space and found that it's strangely alive. The bizarre glowing blob is giving birth to new stars, some only a couple million years old, in remote areas of the universe where stars don't normally form.

    The blob of gas was first discovered by a Dutch school teacher in 2007 and is named Hanny's Voorwerp (HAN'-nee's-FOR'-vehrp). Voorwerp is Dutch for object.

    NASA released the new Hubble photo Monday at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle.
    Parts of the green blob are collapsing and the resulting pressure from that is creating the stars. The stellar nurseries are outside of a normal galaxy, which is usually where stars live.

    That makes these "very lonely newborn stars" that are "in the middle of nowhere," said Bill Keel, the University of Alabama astronomer who examined the blob.

    The blob is the size of our own Milky Way galaxy and it is 650 million light years away. Each light year is about 6 trillion miles.

    The blob is mostly hydrogen gas swirling from a close encounter of two galaxies and it glows because it is illuminated by a quasar in one of the galaxies. A quasar is a bright object full of energy powered by a black hole.

    The blob was discovered by elementary school teacher Hanny van Arkel, who was 24 at the time, as part of a worldwide Galaxy Zoo project where everyday people can look at archived star photographs to catalog new objects.

    Van Arkel said when she first saw the odd object in 2007 it appeared blue and smaller. The Hubble photo provides a clear picture and better explanation for what is happening around the blob.

    "It actually looked like a blue smudge," van Arkel told The Associated Press. "Now it looks like dancing frog in the sky because it's green." She says she can even see what passes for arms and eyes.

    Since van Arkel's discovery, astronomers have looked for similar gas blobs and found 18 of them. But all of them are about half the size of Hanny's Voorwerp, Keel said.

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